Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Reaching For The Stars * Zhen Ming Tian Nu * Episode 2

Ren Jie come to the Zhou Group to look for Liang Zhen Hao
Ren Jie: Liang Zhen Hao... Eh, it's torn. That's explain why it gets wet on rainy days. It can still be worn. This is taking so long. Miss, I know Mr Liang is in a meeting. But can you inform him that I'm waiting for him?
Receptionist: I'm sorry, I can't interrupt a Board of Directors' meeting.
Ren Jie: Ha? But this is an important issue. It concerns my future. If you do not inform him about it, I'll be dead. Please...
Inside the meeting room...
Mrs Zhou: Hey, quarelling doesn't help! I suggest holding an urgent shareholders' meeting to form a new board of directors who will in turn elect a new chairman.
Man: I agree with Mrs Zhou.
Woman: Why bother going to such great length?
Knocking on the door...
Zhen Hao: Attorney Chen is here.
Deputy Chairman: Stop fighting. Attorney Chen brought a copy of Chairman's will today. Let's hear what the contents are.
Mrs Zhou: What are you talking about? When did Jian Long write a will?
Attorney Chen: A month before Chairman passed away, he came to my office and penned a will. Besides giving instructions on allocating his assets, he had also addressed the issue of the company's shares management. I have kept the original copy in a safe place. This is just a photocopy of the will... Make ten copies of this, and bring me a cup of coffee without sugar.
Ren Jie: I... What is this?
Attorney Chen: Distribute a copy each to everyone present. Thanks... Chairman Zhou has divided his assets into three portions. The mansion will be given to Mrs Zhou. Liquid assets of NT$50 million will be given to Miss Zhou Xin Lei. 45% of Zhou Group's shares will be given to the missing daughter of his ex-wife, Miss Zhou Xiao Nuo.
Man: Is Chairman Zhou out of his mind?
Woman: This is ridiculous!
Mrs Zhou: This will is nonsense. We aren't even sure if the missing person is alive or dead. How can we allow her to inherit the company's shares?
Attorney Chen: Please take a good look at the subsection of the will. Chairman Zhou has given the company ane year to find Miss Zhou Xiao Nuo. If she cannot be found, the shares will be donated to charity.
Everybody: That's impossible!!
Attorney Chen: It'll be legally managed. If she is found, Miss Zhou will take charge of the shares. She'll be pointed as the new chairman until the next annual election at the Board of Directors' meeting.
Mrs Zhou: I never knew about this will. You could have fabricated it. Liu Shi Qiang, shouldn't you give an explaination?
Deputy Chairman: Don't ask me. I just found out about it too.
Mrs Zhou: Are you in cahoots with the attorney?
Deputy Chairman: If I were that scheming, this wouldn't have happened.
Attorney Chen: Mrs Zhou, the will is endorsed by Chairman Zhou's signature and seal. It has also been approved by the court. If you're in doubt, you may drop by my office to check the original copy.
Deputy Chairman: Don't get agitated. Since Chairman had made such arrangements, we ought to think of a solution to fulfill his final wish, ok? Since we've all reached a consensus, let's call it a day. Lass, prepare some coffee and cakes.
Ren Jie: Lass?
Zhen Hao: Let's go... Who let you in?
Ren Jie: How dare you! Are you trying to repudiate what you owe me?
Zhen Hao: Lower your volume.
Ren Jie: Who cares!! Return my money to me!!!
Zhen Hao: Follow me...
Ren Jie: Where to?
Zhen Hao: Come on.
Inside Zhen Hao's office
Zhen Hao: How much do I owe you?
Ren Jie: Let me calculate. The box costs NT$4500.. No, it should be NT$4800. And... for all the damages you've done, that'll be NT$2000. Also, compensate me NT$2000 per day for disrupting my business. that'll be NT$6000 for 3 days. Ok, total sum is NT$12,800.
Zhen Hao: Does that useless box cost so much?
Ren Jie: How can you say that? It became useless after you damaged it. Are you paying up or not?
Zhen Hao: Ok, I'll write you a cheque.
Ren Jie: No, it takes time to cash the cheque. That's too much a hassle.
Zhen Hao: I can't afford the time to withdraw cash for you.
Ren Jie: How about this? You can do an inter-account transfer at the bank. That will save you a processing fee. Don't you belittle that small amount of money. this is my account number. Please transfer the money as soon as possible.
Zhen Hao: Ok.
Ren Jie: Right, let me warn you. You'd better transfer the money to me by 3pm tomorrow. If I can't set up my stall in time, your compensation shall be increased.
Zhen Hao: I will transfer the money on time.
Ren Jie: Ok, that's all. I wish you health and prosperity. Bye!... Remember, 3pm~~~
Deputy Chairman: Fancy him creating trouble even after his death! No one is able to manage the shares within a year. Tell me, what shall we do? All they are capable of is to quarrel!... Forget it. Let Mrs Zhou convene a shareholders' meeting.
Zhen Hao: The minor shareholders are showing sympathy to Mrs Zhou. A shareholders' meeting may not benefit us.
Deputy Chairman: You're right, but...
Zhen Hao: Deputy Chairman, are you worried that his missing daughter will appear?
Deputy Chairman: That's right. Mrs Zhou will definitely search for this child. If she finds the child, she'll own more than half of the company. Whatever it takes, we have to find the child before she does.
Zhen Hao: I will do my best!
Deputy Chairman: Keep the search confidential. This concerns my future in this company.
At the Zhous' Mansion

Monday, June 23, 2008

Reaching For The Stars * Zhen Ming Tian Nu * Episode 1

Inside the car
Radio: Hello, listeners. I'm glad to meet you on air again. Today is Valentines Day. How are you going to spend a romantic night with your partner?
Girl Assistant: This is the company's latest ad script. Take a look first. Liang said if there are no problems, he'll confirm the filming time. Besides the shoots, you also have an interview today. It's about the
journey of you being the company's spokesperson. After that, you'll be having a dinner with
Chairman. He already reserved a room in Ou Hua Restaurant to celebrate your birthday. It's at
7pm tonight.
Xin Lei: I got it.
Radio: Do you know who's the luckiest person is today? Whoever was born on Valentines Day, it's said that a baby born on a love-filled day will be specially blessed by Heaven. Do you believe in miracles? It's said that destiny has arranged for each of us a beautiful marriage. I hope all listeners will be able to meet your special someone today.
In the car workshop
Voice: Ren Jie, are you done with the car?
Ren Jie: Almost!... Ok, done!... Boss, it's time for me to go and deliver pizza!!!
While Ren Jie was trying to cross the road...
Car driver: Hey, do you know how to ride a scooter?!!!
While delivering pizza...
Voice from far: Don't run! Don't run!!!
Ren Jie: Hey, watch it!!!... Oh no, I'm late!!!
Xiao Rou: Freeze!!!
Xiao Rou is still chasing that little thieve until...
Thieve: I can't take it anymore. Take me back.
Xiao Rou: You still won't mend your ways. Infuriating, go!
Ren Jie reached the pizza shop after finished delivering pizzas
Ren Jie: Hi guys, I'm back! Three deliveries in 25 minutes. That means I broke the record. Good, eh?
All pizza staff: Well done!!!
Suddenly, all the lights went off...
Ren Jie: Ehh, is there a trip? Hey, what are you laughing at? What so funny?
Pizza staff + Lady boss: Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you...~~~
Lady boss: Oh no, what happened? Are you that fragile? Hey, you are serious... tissue... What's the matter with you? Were you scolded by the customers? Tell us and you will feel better. Hush, stop crying...
Ren Jie: Hahaha!!! I cried within 10 seconds. I've improved!
Lady boss: You trick us again. Again and again!!!
Ren Jie: All right all right, thank you guys~~~
Lady boss: Happy Birthday! Muacksssss!!!!!!!!! Hey, come and kiss the birthday girl. Queue up and the kiss is only for today~~~
Pizza staff # 1: How dare you fool us. As for your punishment, you must finish the whole pizza!
Lady boss: Yes!
Ren Jie: Aww, don't be like this. Let me make a wish first, ok?
Pizza staff # 1: Eh, today is Valentines Day. Why don't you wish for a love encounter?
Lady boss: Good idea~~~
Ren Jie: Forget about that, ok? Just give me a red packet each as a birthday gift. Any amount will do. Hey, all of you are not sincere at all. Come on, stop pretending to be hardworking~~~
Lady boss: Ren Xiao Jie~~~!!! Come to the kitchen...
Ren Jie: Coming!!!... Hey Lady boss, let me do it...
Lady boss: Ok, you do it.... Catch it!!! Just a little something for you.
Ren Jie: Errr... Lady boss, I won't feel good accepting it..
Lady boss: I know you're living a harder life than I am and this is nothing. At least it can make your life better.
Ren Jie: Thank you, Lady boss~~~ I don't know how to repay your kindness in future.
Lady boss: You can barely survive the present and let alone the future. Don't skive, work hard!!!
Ren Jie: Yes!!! All the way!!!~~~ Fresh pizza from the oven.
Lady boss: Come...
At the police station
Policeman: You're back.
Xiao Rou: Walk properly! Slowcoach! Sit down! Don't move. I said don't move!
Inspector: Shen Xiao Rou... You came up first in the Police Academy, the martial arts course and you even topped the overall performance test. After being here for a month, you caught 20 illegal racers and 15 illegal hawkers...
Xiao Rou: Including a pirated VCD peddler today. It's an intolerable crime.
Inspector: Enough. Shen Xiao Rou, do you know I'm put in a difficult position because of all these?
Xiao Rou: I don't get you.
Inspector: You've been catching all these trivial criminals. You make it seem as if the area under my care is very bad.
Xiao Rou: Sir, do you want me to close one eye and ignore the illegal activities?
Inspector: I didn't say it. I mean you should concentrate on capturing more serious offenders. Stop mingling with this hooligans and wasting your time.
Xiao Rou: Breaking the law means breaking the law. How can it be differentiated? The Inspector used to tell us this in the Police Academy...
Inspector: Enough. I've heard you say this many times. In short, just do what I say, ok?
Xiao Rou: ...
Inspector: Little girl, you're not trying to defy your superior, are you?
Xiao Rou: ...
Outside the police station
Zhen Kai: Miss, can I sit beside you?
Xiao Rou: I warn you not to... Oh it's you, Chen Kai
Chen Kai: I heard you quarelled with Sir again.
Xiao Rou: It's a waste of my time listening to him.
Chen Kai: All right, don't be angry. Sir just love to nag. Just turn a deaf ear to what he said. Don't take it to heart. In this society, being over-serious will make you more miserable.
Xiao Rou: ...
Chen Kai: Still not happy?
Xiao Rou: ...
Chen Kai: Well, What about this?
Xiao Rou: What is this?
Chen Kai: A gift... Miss, don't tell me you're too angry to remember that today is your birthday?... Eh, wait till tonight.
Xiao Rou: Why are you so mysterious?
Chen Kai: Let me think... Fresh flowers, wine, a hearty meal, a 14 inch cake and 22 candles. Is it enough to invite you?
Xiao Rou: I should think so.
Chen Kai: Hey, putting on airs, eh?
Xiao Rou: Exactly...
Chen Kai: Look at youself. You were fuming a moment ago and now you're so happy. You win.
Xiao Rou: Well, you can change a girlfriend.
Chen Kai: Well, I'll consider it.
Xiao Rou: You're too much!
Chen Kai: All right all right~~~
Xiao Rou: Which restaurant are we going?
Chen Kai: Why don't you guess my gift to you?
Xiao Rou: Can I see it?
Chen Kai: Of course cannot.
Xiao Rou: Please~~~
Chen Kai: It's a lizard.
Xiao Rou: I'll kill you if it is!
Inside the photo studio
Voice: Ok, cut!
Xin Lei: Thank you~~~
Girl Reporter: Miss Zhou, can you spare us some time for a short interview?
Xin Lei: Sure
Girl Reporter: This way please.... Miss Zhou, as the spokesperson for Zhou Group and your father at the helm, someone is saying that this is using company's resources as your personal promotional tool. I wonder what you think of this?
Xin Lei: This is the saying of an ignorant person. I'm the spokesperson because I fit the image of the company. It has nothing to do with my father.
Girl Reporter: Is it true that you're not the flesh and blood of Chairman Zhou?
Xin Lei: Yes. Despite that, I'm very close to my father. Just like a biological father.
Girl Reporter: But I heard that your mother isn't on good terms with Chairman Zhou. Will this affect your position in Chairman Zhou's heart?
Xin Lei: ...
Girl Reporter: From what we gathered, Chairman Zhou has been actively looking for his biological daughter. Are you aware of this? If she is found, will your current status be replaced?
Xin Lei: ...
Zhen Hao: Your questions are not within the boundary that we agreed on. Sorry, the interview has to stop.
Girl Reporter: Who are you?
Zhen Hao: This is my name card. Convey this to your editor. If he publishes these groundless rumours again, we'll consider withdrawing the next contract. That's all.... Let's go.
Xin Lei and Zhen Hao walking together...
Xin Lei: You were very fierce just now. That reporter must have gotten a shock.
Zhen Hao: I was just being impartial. Those reporters can't go overboard, right?
Xin Lei: Luckily you were there. Otherwise, I wouldn't know what to do.
Zhen Hao: Have you seen the revised CF script?
Xin Lei: Yes. Well, perhaps it's time for daddy to change the spokesperson. There are many up-and-coming models whom I think are more suitable than me.
Zhen Hao: Be it the elegance or image, I think no one is more suitable than you.
Xin Lei: Really?
Zhen Hao: Not only me. I believe Chairman will think so too. Like what you said, you're the spokesperson because you fit the company's image. If you're compared to other models, I believe people will still choose you.
Xin Lei: I'm so happy to hear that. Perhaps I really am thinking too much.
Zhen Hao: Oh, let me show you something. Our latest image print ad. The slogan ''Reaching For The Stars" is right beside your photo. This has always been Chairman's dream. From an employee to now, after accumulating 20 years of skills, he wants to carry out his dream of his own creation. In future, Zhou group will march towards a new milestone.
Xin Lei: Like what daddy always says, everyone has a dream. As long as you work hard, you can become the shiniest star in the sky.
Ren Jie: Wow!!! What a pretty model!!! Rea... Reaching... What does it mean?... Oh, forget it~~~
Xiao Rou: Hold on...
Chen Kai: What are you looking at?
Xiao Rou: Nothing. I'm just curious.
Chen Kai: Let's go.
Ren Jie: Yes! The landlord isn't at home~~~ Rent~~~ I have no money to pay the rent~~~
The phone rings...
Ren Jie: Hello, Xiao Zhi?
Xiao Zhi: Sis, Happy Birthday!!!
Ren Jie: Thank you. How are you today?
Xiao Zhi: Very good. Sis, when are you coming to visit me?
Ren Jie: Emmm... Today is Valentines Day, so there'll be a crowd tonight. I'm going to earn alot today, so maybe I'll be abit late. What do you feel like eating? I'll buy it for you.
Xiao Zhi: OK! Errr... I want to eat
Ren Jie: What about the famous pepper biscuit?
Xiao Zhi: Ok. But don't be too late. I've a present for you.
Ren Jie: Present? What is it?
Xiao Zhi: It won't be a surprise if I tell you now.
Ren Jie: Huh, acting mysteriously eh? All right... See you tonight then.
Xiao Zhi: Ok, bye!
Ren Jie: Bye!
In the hospital...
Nurse: Xiao Zhi, it's time to take your madicine...
Xiao Zhi: Ok...
Nurse: Talking to your sis?
Xiao Zhi: Hmm...
Police station
Inspector: Colleagues, according to informants, the Night Market Wolf has been seen in our area recently. The top has formulated a "Hunt For Wolf" action plan to capture him and we're to fully cooperate with them. We're going to be busy. Listen to me. I'll be the commanding officer situated in the office. Chen Kai will be onsite in-charge.
Chen Kai: Yes.
Inspector: Chen Kai, you'll be the leader.
Chen Kai: Yes. Sir, what is the specific content of this mission?
Inspector: I've thought about it. Look here... In order to lure the Night Market Wolf, I've decided to use a policewoman as a bait.
Xiao Rou: Why it's me?
Inspector: Because you're the only policewoman here. Of course you must be the bait.
Chen Kai: But Sir, the night market is too messy. It's not easy to control. And besides, Xiao Rou is inexperienced. I suggest another plan.
Inspector: Who will be the bait then? You or me?
Xiao Rou: Sir, I can do it.
Inspector: Ok, disperse and get ready. We must capture the Night Market Wolf tonight.
Together: Yes!
At the night market...
Chen Kai: Calling for Angel... How's the situation? Please reply. Over...
Xiao Rou: Everything is fine. Over...
Chen Kai: Xiao Rou, Be alert at all times. Be careful... Let me know of any stirrings. Over...
Xiao Rou: (:
Ren Jie: Come, take a look. Try it if you want, miss!!! This one is NT$599 only...
Customer: NT$599? I only have NT$500. Make it cheaper.
Ren Jie: Ha? Consider buying two and I'll let you have it for NT$500. This is a matching pair. You can give it to your boyfriend. Right, babe? Think about it. I'll put it in a free purple box. Put it in and give it to him.
Xiao Rou: Angel here. I don't see the target. But there are many illegal hawkers obstructing the traffic.
Chen Kai: Listen to me Xiao Rou, We have an important mission tonight. Don't bother about them. Be careful. Over...
Xiao Rou: I know...
Ren Jie: Miss, you must come to my stall... You look so pretty today but there is one thing lacking... Right here, look at this... This really suits you... What a pity... Sir, come and take a look...
In a restaurant...
Chairman Zhou: Thank you... Lei Lei, you've really blossomed. When you came over with your mother, you were only this big. Look how pretty you are now.
Xin Lei: I wa only 10 then. Daddy, thanks for your care all this while.
Chairman Zhou: Happy Birthday. May you remain young and pretty.
Xin Lei: I wish daddy good health too.
Chairman Zhou: Cheers~~~ Daddy has a present for you.
Xin Lei: Thank you, daddy~~~ Wow, it's beautiful...
Chairman Zhou: I chose this design myself. It suits young people like you.
Xin Lei: You chose it? I love it~~~
Chairman Zhou: That's good.
Xin Lei: I'll put it on later fot you to see.
Chairman Zhou: Ok.
Xin Lei: Daddy, are you not feeling well?
Chairman Zhou: I'm fine~~~ I've been busy. I'm abit tired~~~ How's your mother?
Xin Lei: The same. Socializing with those uncles every day.
Chairman Zhou: Since your mother and I seperated, I only meet her in the office and exchange pleasantries. It must be tough being caught in the middle, right?
Xin Lei: It's ok. She's my mother after all. Daddy, I would like to tell you that my days spent with you are the happiest days in my life.
Chairman Zhou: My career has taken flight but I fail at matters of the heart. The two failed marriages are the biggest regrets in my life. So, I hope that your generation will enjoy a blissful marriage.
Xin Lei: Daddy, are you missing her again?
Chairman Zhou: I think of Xiao Nuo whenever I see you. I didn't expect my two daughters to be born on the same day and year. I shouldn't have allowed my first wife to take her away. I wonder where she is now and how she's coping. This is my biggest regret and an irreparable error.
Xin Lei: Daddy, let's wish Xiao Nuo a Happy Birthday too, shall we? No matter where she is, I hope she's living as happy a life as us and she'll reunite with us soon.
Chairman Zhou: Lei Lei, you're such an understanding child. You won't blame daddy for mentioning her all the time, will you?
Xin Lei: Daddy...
Chairman Zhou: All right. Lei Lei, I just wish you to be reunited with Xiao Nuo one day.
Flashback: From what we gathered, Chairman Zhou has been actively looking for his biological daughter. If she is found, will your current status be replaced?... Lei Lei, I just wish to be reunited with Xiao Nuo one day.
Xin Lei: Daddy...Daddy, are you all right?... Daddy?
A phone call from Xin Lei
Zhen Hao: Hello? Yes, speaking... What! Which hospital?!!... Ok, I'll be right there...
Back to the night market
Chen Kai: Calling for Angel... Please reply. Over...
Xiao Rou: Angel here. Over...
Chen Kai: Sir said if the target still doesn't appear in the next hour, we'll go back. Over...
Xiao Rou: Ok. Over...
Ren Jie: You can try on anything that fancies you... Yes, this suits both gender. Try it on. Maybe it suits you. Take a look. And I think you can match it with this ring. It's not bad if you wear this. There are some glittering studs on it.
Suddenly, someone came and grab Xiao Rou from behind and...
Xiao Rou: Night Market Wolf... Calling... The target has appeared. Please reply... Police, don't move!!!
Ren Jie: Police!!! Scram, everyone... Run!!!!!!!!!
Xiao Rou: Move aside! Don't run!!!!!
Night Market Wolf: Move aside...
Xiao Rou: Don't run!!!... Don't run!!!
Chen Kai: Angel... Can you hear me? Please reply. Over... Calling for Angel... She's in trouble.
Suddenly while Ren Jie is rushing to cross the road...
Ren Jie: What do you want? It hurts!
Zhen Hao: Are you ok?
Ren Jie: Ouch!!!
Zhen Hao: I didn't mean it...
Ren Jie: You...
Zhen Hao: Let's move to one side.
Ren Jie: My stuff...
Zhen Hao: Let's bring them aside.
Ren Jie: You cad!
Zhen Hao: I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
Ren Jie: What's wrong with you? Why did you hit me?!!!
Zhen Hao: Sorry, I didn't mean it.
Ren Jie: Look at my stuff!!
Zhen Hao: I'm sorry. Are you all right?
Ren Jie: I don't care. Pay me!!!
Zhen Hao: But I don't have much cash with me. Is this enough?
Ren Jie: What? You think I'm a softie? Trying to escape with this? Go to the police station with me!
Zhen Hao: Ok... I'll give you my name card. Look for me tomorrow morning. I'll pay you whatever you ask for.
Ren Jie: Liang Zhen Hao? How do I know if this name card really belongs to you? This maybe a fake one!!!
Zhen Hao: Of course it's mine. Look, my photo and name are on my pass.
Ren Jie: I can't see it. Take it down... Quick!!!... Liang Zhen Hao. There is indeed a resemblance. Ok, leave it with me.
Zhen Hao: How could you...
Ren Jie: I'll keep it with me, all right? If you don't pay up, I'll report it to your boss. Do you understand?
Zhen Hao: Fine. I need to rush off.
Ren Jie: Wait...
Zhen Hao: What is it?
Ren Jie: When is a good time to look for you?
Zhen Hao: Whenever you are free.
Ren Jie: This is the deposit then.
Inside the hospital
Zhen Hao: Deputy Chairman... Mrs Zhou...
Deputy Chairman: Chairman just passed away.
Mrs Zhou: Jian Long, why did you leave suddenly? What about Lei Lei and me?
Deputy Chairman: Good people don't live long... Mrs Zhou, you're the Director too. Take care. You need to oversee many things in future.
Mrs Zhou: You too. Deputy Chairman, Lei Lei and I need your help in future...
Zhen Hao: My condolences, Mrs Zhou... Lei Lei
Xin Lei: Daddy... He was still all right during dinner~~~ We were very happy. He gave me a necklace. Why did he suddenly...... ( crying ~~~ )
Deputy Chairman: How is it?
Zhen Hao: Mr Chen said Chairman Zhou had made a will. He will bring it over during the board meeting.
Deputy Chairman: He made a will?... Haha, a good show will be on during the board meeting.
Zhen Hao: You mean...
Deputy Chairman: Chairman Zhou and that woman were not on good terms. I wonder how much inheritence he left for her. Of course, this woman is not easy. The shares she holds mustn't be neglected. Zhen Hao...
Zhen Hao: Yes...
Deputy Chairman: I must win all the shares to my side. Contact the shareholders on our side and get them to cooperate with me during the shareholders' meeting.
Zhen Hao: Don't worry, I'll arrange it.
Deputy Chairman: I've been grooming you since you joined the company. This is your chance to score and repay me.
Police station
Inspector: So many of you can't even catch one molester!!! Are you a bunch of idiots?!!! What kind of leader are you? He escaped and the whole night market was in chaos. This has become a joke among the police officers. I feel so ashamed.
Xiao Rou: Sir, it's my fault that he escaped. Scold me if you want.
Inspector: You? What's the use of scolding you? Can you bear the consequences? Will you use your brain?
Xiao Rou: I...
Chen Kai: Xiao Rou!
Inspector: No one is go on vacation until you catch the Night Market Wolf! Dismiss!
In a restaurant when Chen Kai would like to celebrate birthday together with Xiao Rou when suddenly...
Chen Kai: The boss of this restaurant is my good friend. I got him to reserve this time slot to celebrate your birthday.
Xiao Rou: ...
Chen Kai: Xiao Rou? Xiao Rou?...
Xiao Rou: Yes?
Chen Kai: Still thinking about it?
Xiao Rou: I can't stomach it. I almost got him! And that stupid Sir only knows how to hide behind us and yell. I feel like beating him up! And you... why must you listen to him?
Chen Kai: This is how it works. I guess it's the same everywhere.
Xiao Rou: I don't believe it.
Chen Kai: That's because you just graduated and haven't seen much.
Xiao Rou: What do you mean?
Chen Kai: I used to be like you. Trying to excel in everything I do. In the end, people ostracize you if you do well and you get transfered for a mistake. What makes you think I've been in and out of different stations in these two years? There is nothing peculiar if you've seen it enough.
Xiao Rou: I don't care! I'm a police officer, not an official. Nabbing criminals is the most crucial.
Chen Kai: What do you mean by that? A police officer is also human. I used to have a buddy who was always the first to rush out in a mission. and what happened? He's a vegetable lying in the hospital now. Who is going to take pity on his wife and children?
Xiao Rou: Are you telling me to become a turtle, hiding behind others?
Chen Kai: Why are you so unreasonable? This is just a job. I also hope that you won't be so competitive in future.
Xiao Rou: Do you think I'm working so hard just to steal the limelight?...
Chef: Here comes the cake...
In the hospital, Ren Jie went to visit her little brother Xiao Zhi
Ren Jie: Sorry, I'm late~~~
Xiao Zhi: Happy Birthday, sis~~~
Ren Jie: Wah, what is this?
Xiao Zhi: It's a key ring. I made it myself.
Ren Jie: Well done!!!
Xiao Zhi: You must carry it with you to symbolize us being together. I can go home everyday then...
Ren Jie: I will. I will always carry it with me.
After the non-to-be birthday celebration, Xiao Rou went home unhappily
Back to the hospital where Xin Lei is still sitting outside the hospital ward looking at the necklace gift frm her father
Xiao Rou: That's my 22nd birthday,gone~~~ Shen Xiao Rou, Happy Birthday~~~
Zhen Hao: eat something or you'll collaspe.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cerina Filomena de Graca

Name: Ka Bik Yee

English Name: Cerina Filomena da Graca

Profession: Actress

Birthdate: 28 November 1979

Height: 162cm

Weight: 44kg


Revolving Doors of Vengeance - cameo

The Conqueror's Story - Qi Ji

Wong Fei Hung Master of Kung Fu - Xiu Ting

Shine On You - Shum Ho Ho

Triumph In The Skies - cameo

Better Halves - Serng Serng

Catherine Chau

Name: Chau Ka Yee

English Name: Catherine Chau

Profession: Actress

Birthdate: 23 July 1979

Birthplace: Hong Kong


Jewel's Slendor

The Family Link - Lo Fo Tong

Best Selling Secrets

CIB Files - Ching Mei Mei

The Dance of Passion - Mao Siu Kam

Bar Bender - Shum Kim Ping

The Herbalist's Manual - Sau Chi

Shades of Truth

Revolving Doors of Vengeance - Cheuk Ying Nuen

The Prince's Shadow - Hui Kwai Yun

Healing Hands III - Cheung Siu Yee

War and Beauty - Bak Lan

Strike at Heart - Siu Hung

Angels of Mission - Jammy

Life Begins at Forty - Karen

Slim Chances

Take My Word For It - Yip Ho Hei

Where The Legend Begins

Return of The Cuckoo - Director

Carlo Ng

Name: Ng Ka Lok

English Name: Carlo Ng

Profession: Actor / Host

Birthdate: 24 February 1972

Birthplace: Hong Kong

Height: 174cm

Weight: 68kg


The Ultimate Crime Fighter

Best Bet - Bak Fung

At Home With Love - David

Yummy Yummy

Love Bond

The Prince's Shadow - Chow Yat Ching

Blade Heart - Sima Siu Yiu

Heart of Fencing - Eason Chan's fan

Golden Faith - Yeung Kwong Leung

Bryan Leung

Name: Leung Kar Yan
English Name: Bryan Leung
Profession: Actor / Director / Producer
Birthdate: 20 January 1949
Birthplace: Hong Kong
Height: 174cm
Weight: 80kg
D.I.E - Yu Dai Hoi
The Ultimate Crime Fighter - Wong Bo
La Femme Desperado - Ko Wing Tim
Real Kung Fu - Leung Yee Tai
Return of The Condor Heroes 1983 - Kwok Jing

Belinda Hamnett

Name: Hon Kwan Ting

English Name: Belinda Hamnett

Profession: Actress / Model

Birthdate: 28 September 1975

Birthplace: Singapore

Nationality: Hong Kong

Height: 165cm


Woman On The Run - Ju Ju / Yvonne

Healing Hands III - Martha

My Family - Akubi

To Catch The Uncatchable - Mary

Point of No Return - Lo Bik Kei

Not Just A Pretty Face - Peg's boss / Nardo's old flame

Vigilante Force - Lo On On

Annie Man

Name: Man Chung Han

English Name: Annie Man

Profession: Actress

Birthdate: 20 July 1976

Birthplace: Hong Kong

Height: 163cm

Weight: 45kg


A Pillow Case of Mystery - Chin Lai Shu

Strike at Heart - Jik Nui

The Gâteau Affairs - Sa Lai / Dai Siu Jeh

To Love With No Regrets

Greed Mask - Zhou Yee Tong

Perish In The Name of Love - Lee Yuk Han

Burning Flame II - Yip Heung Yeung

Slim Chances - Suen Hau Bik / Lan Mao

Take My Word For It - Yip Ho Yan

Colourful Life - Tun Ju

The Legendary Four Aces - Juk Hiu Lin

Annie Chung

Name: Chung Wong
English Name: Annie Chung
Real Name: Chung Man Yiu
Profession: Actress
Birthdate: 5 December 1984
Birthplace: Guangdong, China
Height: 161cm
Weight: 45kg
The Drive of Life - car fan
Welcome to The House - Ko Wai Ting / Go B