Friday, May 23, 2008
Nadia Chan

Name: Chan Chung Ling
English Name: Nadia Chan
Profession: Actress / Singer
Birthdate: 21 January 1971
Height: 169cm
Moses Chan
Miriam Yeung
Michelle Yip
Michael To
Michael Tong
Michael Miu
Monica Chan
Kary Ng
Angelica Lee
Teresa Mak
Meteor Garden II

After graduating from the Ying De University, F4 decided to go Spain for their holiday destination. Shan Cai agreed to come with them after having an argument with Dao Ming Si. Shan Cai and Dao Ming Si landed to Spain without the F3, who decided to stay in Taiwan instead.In Spain, Dao Ming Si opened the letter that Hua Zhe Lei handed to him back in Taiwan. The letter suggest him to go to a church in Barcelona and ask to Shan Cai to marry him. Dao Ming Si decided to buy her a ring and propose in the church. Unfortunately, he met an accident and lost his consciousness while he was on way to the church.
Unaware about Dao Ming Si's accident, Shan Cai waited for him at the church. Meanwhile, Dao Ming Si was brought to the hospital by Ye Sha, the girl who was driving the other car involved in the accident with him.Shan Cai decided to call Hua Zhe Lei and told him that Dao Ming Si was missing. Lei immediatelly informed this to Mei Zuo and Xi men, and the three immediately made their flight to Spain.When Dao Ming Si woke up in the hospital, he was unable to remember anything. He soon left the hospital without any idea where he was going.F3 arrived in Spain and met up with Shan Cai and Teng Tang Jing. They have learned about the car accident which may have involved Dao Ming Si. When they arrived at the hospital, Dao Ming Si was already gone.Ye Sha found Dao Ming Si walking around streets of Barcelona, and decided to convince him to follow her in a farm where she lives.
At Ye Sha's home, Dao Ming Si was unable to tell his identity. Ye Sha realized that he might have completely lost his memory. She decided to call him 'Ah Xing' instead.Hopeless to find Dao Ming Si, F3 suspected that Dao Ming Feng might have kidnapped his own son, since she tried to make use of this tactic before in order to separate him from Shan Cai.F3 and Shan Cai contacted Dao Ming Feng, who was unaware about the whereabouts of his son. Shan Cai made an agreement with Dao Ming Feng that she's willing to sacrifice her love for Dao Ming Si if she can guarantee that he's in good hands.Meanwhile, Dao Ming Si now works at Ye Sha's wine purification factory.
Dao Ming Feng hired a detective to find his son. After getting information about Dao Ming Si's whereabouts, she went to Spain to get him. He reluctantly followed his mom to a nearby hotel and he asked her questions about his real identity. His mom told him nothing other than his english name, David Dao Ming.He soon decided to run away from his mom. He went back to Ye Sha and asked her to accompany him to Taiwan in search of his past.Xi Men and Mei Zhou decided to go back to Taiwan, and left Hua Zhe Lei to take care of Shan Cai in Barcelona.
Ye Sha took a photo of Dao Ming Si and submitted it for the "Missing Person" ad in the newspaper. She told Ah Xing that it would help him discover his real identity in case someone identifies him on the newspaper. Ching Her, Xiao You's ex-boyfriend, saw the ad and immediately looked for Dao Ming Si and used him in order to get some money.When Shan Cai's parents saw the advertisement in the newspaper, they ignored it because they didn't know that Dao Ming Si was missing. Meanwhile, Mei Zuo and Xi Men visited Shan Cai's parents and informed them about the recent events. Upon hearing the news, they quickly thought of the ad they saw, but the paper was aready ruined by some food stain.Dao Ming Si and Ye Sha woke up being tied by Ching Her. Ye Sha deceived Ching Her that she has actually the same intention of getting money from Dao Ming Si. Ching Her immediately believed her and thought of working with her so he relesed her. They called in Dao Ming Si's house and asked ransom from his mom. Meanwhile Xi Men and Mei Zuo looked for the same ad in the newspapers kept in store at the library. They succeeded in finding it and immediately called the number indicated there, but failed to contact Dao Ming Si who was tied up.When Ye Sha and Ching Her got home, they struggled until Ye Sha was able to hit Ching Her. She tied him up and immediately released Dao Ming Si, and managed to ran away. The next morning, Dao Ming Si's mom arrived there and discovered that his son wasn't there anymore. After learning about the incident, Shan Cai and F3 soon arrived there and encountered Dao Ming Si's mom. Dao ming Feng told them about his son's accident in spain that made him lost his memory, and ordered Shan Cai to stay away from his son.
Ye Sha and Dao Ming Si managed to find a small apartment. Since they didn't have enough money, Ye Sha joined a drinking competition and won an amount of $1000 which they used to pay the rent and to buy food.Meanwhile, the lonely Shan Cai visited the house where Dao Ming Si was locked up when he was kidnapped by Ching Her. She left some messages on the walls telling how much she misses Ah Si and that she was willing to wait for him forever. She was hoping that he will one day visit the house and read on that message.
After asking some locals about the Dao Ming's family house, Ye Sha and Dao Ming Si managed to break in and get some photos. With the help of Yu Sao, they were able to get out from the mansion without being seen by Dao Ming Si's mom.Shan Cai kept on advertising drinks on the street in order to earn money for the payment of the billboard for Dao Ming Si. When her message appeared on the electronic board, Dao Ming Si was able to read it. He tried calling the number posted, but failed to contact Shan Cai.Ye Sha was able to get information about Ah Si and informs him that he's one of the F4. She then managed to find Mei Zuo's home and waited for him. She pretended to act as a Ying De student from the younger batch, and interviewed him to know more F4 stuff.
Ye Sha was able to find out from Mei Zuo where they use to hang out and later brings Ah Si in the said place. When Ah Si was seen by F3, he immediately ran away from them. He told them that he hates his past.Ah Si then went back to see Ye Sha and told her that he wanted to start a new life. He tried looking for a job, but was unsuccessful enough to find one.Mei Zuo met up with Shan Cai and informed her that they found Ah Si, but told the rest of them that he hated his past. Shan Cai told Mei Zuo that as long as Ah Si was okay, then they need to move on with their new lives too.
Dao Ming Si was able to get a job in a restaurant. On Valentine's day, he decided to cook something special for Ye Sha.Qing He asked Shan Cai to spend the special day with him, she she told him that she was busy working at the bakery.He came back and offered to fetch her home. While listening to the radio, she was able to hear Qing he's dedication to her. F3 also heard this so they decided to call the station and send their greetings, too. Xi Men and Mei Zuo gave their messages, while Lei didn't speak but gave a recording of Ah Si's voice.
Dao Ming Si was able to meet his former college teacher, who was having a tire problem with his car in the street. He helped him change the tires and had a little chat with him soon after.After helping a man who was in trouble, Shan Cai and Ye Sha accidentally met in the bus. After a short talk, Shan Cai brought Ye Sha to the bakery where she works. Ye Sha soon applied and also worked in the shop.While walking on her way home, Shan Cai was able to see Ah Si and tried to chase for him. Ah Si was able get immediately on a bus when Shan Cai was about to reach him. Shan Cai continued to chase on the bus where he rode and yelled for his name, but he didn't hear her.Ah Si and Ye Sha visited the place where they first stayed after arriving from Spain. It was the same place where they were both locked up by Ching Her. When they arrived there, they both found the message left by Shan Cai on the wall. He was touched, but he couldn't remember anything.Lei remained to stay beside Shan Cai during her low moments.
Ah Si was still clueless about his past. He told Ye Sha that he remembers some good memories, but he can't remember the girl who wrote the message on the wall. He also told her that he may no longer have feelings for this girl (Shan Cai), because he have already develop his feelings for Ye Sha. Ye Sha then decided to leave Taiwan and go back to Spain, but Ah Si chased after her and begged her to stay. She eventually changed her mind and kept her promise to help him discover his past.Meanwhile, Shan Cai had to return a package from Ms. Zhang to Mr. Gao.
Ye Sha and Shan Cai discovered that the man they helped in the park was Mr. Gao, the president of one of the biggest corporation in Taiwan. Ye Sha and Shan Cai decided to help reunite Mr. Gao and Ms. Zhang after learning about their past love story.Dao Ming Feng was surprised to see Shan Cai in Gao Corporation, and eventually became so dissapointed after learning that Mr. Gao had to cancel their business meeting because of Shan Cai.After travelling for more than five hours just to buy the special sponge cake, Shan Cai and Mr. Gao immediately travelled back to present the cake to Ms. Zhang, who was almost on her way to the airport. The scene where Mr. Gao and Ms. Zhang looked into each other's eyes reminded Shan Cai of Ah Si. She cried and immediately left.
Shan Cai went to look for Mr. Gao in his firm. As she stepped in to the waiting room, she saw Dao Ming Feng sitting on the sofa. She sat down on the seat next to Dao Ming Feng's with only a little table between them. When Mr. Gao arrived, he informed Dao Ming Feng about his decision on the business merge. He told her that Shan Cai helped him find the most important thing in his life.Outside the corporation, Dao Ming Feng told Shan Cai that she didn't owe her a thing, but in case she needs anything, she can ask her for help. Shan Cai declined Dao Ming Feng's offer and told her that she will never ask help from her.Shan Cai and Ah Si finally met face to face, but Shan Cai suddenly felt upset when Ah Si wasn't able to recognize her. Ye Sha was not aware about Shan Cai's relationship with Ah Si. She told Shan Cai about Ah Si's accident that made him lost his memory. Shan Cai decided not to tell them who she really was in Ah Si's life.Ye Sha soon learned from Mei Zuo that Dao Ming Si was Shan Cai's boyfriend. She suddenly felt upset and was hurt upon hearing it from Mei Zuo. She then decided to inform Shan Cai that she already knew her real relationship with Ah Si.
Ye Sha and Shan Cai talked about their current situation. Inspite of realizing that they were both in-love with the same man, they still managed to get in good terms.While Xi Men was having a problem with his business, Mei Zhou meet up with Dao Ming Si to talk about his past life.Shan Cai's circumstances take a turn for the worst after her father was arrested for stealing a company car. Hua Zhe Lei returned to Taiwan and learned about his friend's situation.When Dao Ming Si woke up one morning, he saw a sketch of Ye Sha in her room. He suddenly realized that Ye Sha was gone, and had no idea that she will be leaving the country for good. Ye Sha decided to give up her love for Ah Si because of Shan Cai.
Ah Si learned about Ye Sha's plan to leave Taiwan for Spain. While at the airport, Ye Sha fainted and missed her flight. She woke up in a hospital and learned that she was very sick. The doctor informed her that if her health condition comes to worst, she might only live for three to sixth months.Ah Si decided to meet up with his mom and makes an agreement to go back home if his mother can find Ye Sha. Meanwhile, Shan Cai tried to win Ah Si back by sending him a tin box containing some memorable items that could help him remember his past. Shan Cai managed to stay tough and didn't give up. She brought some balloons to his house and released them in front of him. However, Dao Ming Si was still unable to remember things.
F3 went to look for Dao Ming Si's apartment. When they got there, Dao Ming Si fried some eggs and presented it to them in 3 plates on a table on the balcony. They shared some stories and Ah Si was able to speak some of the things he could remember from his past.Dao Ming Feng thought of reuniting Ye Sha with Dao Ming Si. She also learned that Ye Sha came from an imperial family, and she wanted her son to be with her. Meanwhile, Ah Si was starting to rememeber things after seeing the red tag contained in Shan Cai's tin box. Shan Cai was happy to learn that Ah si wanted to meet up with her. Although, she became upset when Ah Si returned her box and told her that he decided to stay with Ye Sha.
At the Dao Ming's family mansion, Dao Ming Feng made an agreement with Ye Sha to let Shan Cai to see Ah Si in a condition that Ye Sha would agree to an arranged engagement with her son. Dao Ming Feng's selfish intention to seek for the dream of power made Ye Sha disagree to the arrangement, but then she also realized that Shan Cai's last hope for happiness was in her own hands. So she decided to agree to this arrangement in a three-month period with the intention to bring Shan Cai closer to Ah Si.Shan Cai was slowly giving up on her hope to bring Ah Si back. Lei still continued to stay by her side and comfort her.
Dao Ming Feng asked Shan Cai to work for her firm. She told her that this will give her the chance to get closer with Ah Si, and the reason why she was doing this was because she owes her a favor for the successful business merge with the Gao corporation. Shan Cai was not aware about the real intentions of Dao Ming Feng, but agreed to it.At Ying De University, people were discussing the news about Dao Ming Si and Ye Sha's engagement. They also learned that Shan Cai was working for the Dao ming Corporation.
Shan Cai started to work for the Dao Ming Corporation. She and Ah Si had a good start working together. At the end of the day, Ah Si encountered a minor accident when he fell from the ladder after searching for some files. Shan Cai was there and she immediately came to protect him from further injury. Shan Cai was injured when the ladder which was supposed to fall on Ah Si hit her instead. Ah Si had a flashback on a scene where he was with Shan Cai.Dao Ming Feng asked Ye Sha to join Xi Men's celebration party for Ah Si's engagement, but Ye Sha refused to come. Ah Si noticed the sudden change in Ye Sha's behaviour, and realized that she has been ignoring him lately. Shan Cai learned about this and gave him some hope.
Lei and Mei Zhou attended Xi Men's banquet. After Xi Men's father gave his speech on stage, he asked his son to give his message and tell something about the success of their company. When Xi Men started to talk about his mother being his inspiration, his father was embarrassed when the crowd started to look at him and his mistress. After the party, F4 wet to visit Shan Cai who was working overtime at the Dao Ming Corporation. They invited her out for a drink and celebrated Shan Cai's dedication for her work.
Ye Sha went to Dao Ming Si's office. When she approached to Ah Si's desk, she saw a picture of Shan Cai with the F4, which was taken during the time when they all went out together for a drink. As she was looking for the picture, she was happy to realize that the five of them are back to the way they used to be in the past.F3 and Shan Cai visited Xi Men in the hospital and brought him some stuff to cheer him up. Later, Xi Men's father came to visit him, spent some time with him, and explained to him the real situation regarding his relationship with his mother.Meanwhile, Mei Zuo has been going out with Xiao Qiao.
Xiao Qiao continued to play around with Mei Zuo. Shan Cai was happy to learn that Ah Si was starting to remember more things about her. When Dao Ming Feng learned about this, she immediately made a move that will make his son question Shan Cai's real motives.Mei Zuo introduced Xiao Qiao is to F3, but tried to embarrass her in front of them.
Ye Sha and Shan Cai went out to buy some books and chat at a coffe shop. Ye Sha told her about the meteor ring that Dao Ming Si was holding at scene of the accident. She also told her that the ring was stolen by a thief when they got to Taiwan.Ah Si got mad at Ye Sha for pushing him to Shan Cai. He also got mad at Shan Cai and accused for using her friends to get him back. Ye Sha talked to Ah Si and begged him to calm down.Later, Ye Sha convinced Ah Si to attend the swimming party with Shan Cai and F3.
F4, Shan Cai, Ye Sha, and some of their friends went out for swimming. While Dao Ming Si was chatting with his former classmates by the pool, Ye Sha and Shan Cai were talking about Ah Si. Shan Cai told her that she wanted to give up, but Ye Sha informed her that Ah Si may have fully regained back his memory and he'll soon come back for her. Their talk was interrupted when Dao Ming Si was drowned and lost his consciousness in the pool. He was soon brought to the hospital. When Dao Ming Feng arrived, she blamed Shan Cai of Ah Si's consequences.Dao Ming Si finally woke up in the hospital while regaining all his memories from his past.
Like last time, at the same place where Ye Sha decided to leave, she and Shan Cai stood next to each other on a bridge somewhere while staring out to the scenery of the night. The next day, Shan Cai left a letter for her parents before she took a train off to the countryside.Mei Zuo and Xiao Qiao went out for a date. Xiao Qiao told about the story of her cello and how it reminds her a boy she loved in the past. Mei Zhou told her in return that he may get jealous at her cello. Hearing this, Xiao Qiao gently stroked her cello then dropped it into the water. Mei Zhou immediately jumped into the water to get her cello, but Xiao Qiao told him to come back and leave the cello because she wanted to let go of her past.Back at the countryside, Shan Cai was visited by Lei.
At the Dao Ming mansion, Ye Sha sketched an image of Dao Ming Si. After Ye Sha was interrupted by a phone call, she started to talk about Ah Si's mom. The next day, Dao Ming Si was able to talk to Da Xin, Ah Lun, and Yi Ling and informed them that he totally regained his memory. Meanwhile, Shan Cai and Lei were getting closer together.
At the Dao Ming mansion, Dao Ming Si told Sha Ge that he remembers everything about his past. He also admitted to him that he loves Shan Cai more than Ye Sha. Sha Ge then informed him about the real condition of Ye Sha. Ah Si learned that Ye Sha was dying. He then went to her, but didn't inform her about his real feelings for Shan Cai. Meanwhile, Lei realized that he was totally in-love with Shan Cai.
Ah Si went out with Xi Men and Mei Zhou for a drink. He learned from Mei Zuo that Lei was taking care of Shan Cai. He also mentioned about the special feelings that have been developed between Lei Shan Cai lately.Shan Cai then told Lei that she would be giving up on Ah Si. Lei finally told her how much he loves her and asked her to go with him to Japan.Ah Si went to look for Shan Cai at the countryside to tell her about his real feelings. When he got to her place, he saw her kissing with Lei. He realized that Shan Cai may have given up on him already, and slowly walked away. Lei was talked to Ah Si and explained to him that Shan Cai still have to make her final decision.
After leaving from the country side, Dao Ming Si went back home to see Ye Sha. He learned that the bone marrow did not match with Ye Sha's. He inside her room, comforted her, and asked her to travel with him so they can spend the remaining moments together.Shan Cai resigned from the Dao Ming Corporation, and started to work in a travel agency.Lei talked to Shan Cai and told her that he may not be able to give her the happiness she wants since he knew that Ah Si was still in her heart.
Ye Sha sent a letter to Sha Ge to informed him about her successful bone marrow transplant. Ah Si told Ye Sha that he has gained back his memory. Ye Sha was happy to know that Ah Si still loves Shan Cai and informed him that she's fine with that.Mei Zuo watched Xiao Qiao perform with her cello with other musicians. He remembered the special memories that he spent with her. After her performance, Mei Zuo finally expressed his real feelings for her.Dao Ming Si has returned to Taiwan. He met up with F3 and wondered about Lei and Shan Cai's relationship. Lei told him that Ah Si and Shan Cai were the ones meant for each other. Lei encouraged Ah Si to follow his heart and seek for his happiness.
San Cai arrived in Spain. In the cab, she suddenly reminisced her past when she saw the church where she waited for Dao Ming Si before he met an accident. The next day, she strolled on the streets of Barcelona all by herself. She stood in front of a fountain and thought about the legend of the spring water while thinking of Dao Ming Si.In a bullfight event, San Cai was recording the crowded scenes with her video camera when she was accidentally pushed by the excited crowd. She struggled to get up until a hand wearing a meteor star ring stretches out to her. She held her hand (also wearing her own meteor star ring) onto his palm. Finally, the two rings were reunited together, as the two hands, each wearing one ring, are clasped together tightly. She looked up and she was surprised to see Dao Ming Si.From that moment, Shan Cai and Dao Ming Si were reunited.
Unaware about Dao Ming Si's accident, Shan Cai waited for him at the church. Meanwhile, Dao Ming Si was brought to the hospital by Ye Sha, the girl who was driving the other car involved in the accident with him.Shan Cai decided to call Hua Zhe Lei and told him that Dao Ming Si was missing. Lei immediatelly informed this to Mei Zuo and Xi men, and the three immediately made their flight to Spain.When Dao Ming Si woke up in the hospital, he was unable to remember anything. He soon left the hospital without any idea where he was going.F3 arrived in Spain and met up with Shan Cai and Teng Tang Jing. They have learned about the car accident which may have involved Dao Ming Si. When they arrived at the hospital, Dao Ming Si was already gone.Ye Sha found Dao Ming Si walking around streets of Barcelona, and decided to convince him to follow her in a farm where she lives.
At Ye Sha's home, Dao Ming Si was unable to tell his identity. Ye Sha realized that he might have completely lost his memory. She decided to call him 'Ah Xing' instead.Hopeless to find Dao Ming Si, F3 suspected that Dao Ming Feng might have kidnapped his own son, since she tried to make use of this tactic before in order to separate him from Shan Cai.F3 and Shan Cai contacted Dao Ming Feng, who was unaware about the whereabouts of his son. Shan Cai made an agreement with Dao Ming Feng that she's willing to sacrifice her love for Dao Ming Si if she can guarantee that he's in good hands.Meanwhile, Dao Ming Si now works at Ye Sha's wine purification factory.
Dao Ming Feng hired a detective to find his son. After getting information about Dao Ming Si's whereabouts, she went to Spain to get him. He reluctantly followed his mom to a nearby hotel and he asked her questions about his real identity. His mom told him nothing other than his english name, David Dao Ming.He soon decided to run away from his mom. He went back to Ye Sha and asked her to accompany him to Taiwan in search of his past.Xi Men and Mei Zhou decided to go back to Taiwan, and left Hua Zhe Lei to take care of Shan Cai in Barcelona.
Ye Sha took a photo of Dao Ming Si and submitted it for the "Missing Person" ad in the newspaper. She told Ah Xing that it would help him discover his real identity in case someone identifies him on the newspaper. Ching Her, Xiao You's ex-boyfriend, saw the ad and immediately looked for Dao Ming Si and used him in order to get some money.When Shan Cai's parents saw the advertisement in the newspaper, they ignored it because they didn't know that Dao Ming Si was missing. Meanwhile, Mei Zuo and Xi Men visited Shan Cai's parents and informed them about the recent events. Upon hearing the news, they quickly thought of the ad they saw, but the paper was aready ruined by some food stain.Dao Ming Si and Ye Sha woke up being tied by Ching Her. Ye Sha deceived Ching Her that she has actually the same intention of getting money from Dao Ming Si. Ching Her immediately believed her and thought of working with her so he relesed her. They called in Dao Ming Si's house and asked ransom from his mom. Meanwhile Xi Men and Mei Zuo looked for the same ad in the newspapers kept in store at the library. They succeeded in finding it and immediately called the number indicated there, but failed to contact Dao Ming Si who was tied up.When Ye Sha and Ching Her got home, they struggled until Ye Sha was able to hit Ching Her. She tied him up and immediately released Dao Ming Si, and managed to ran away. The next morning, Dao Ming Si's mom arrived there and discovered that his son wasn't there anymore. After learning about the incident, Shan Cai and F3 soon arrived there and encountered Dao Ming Si's mom. Dao ming Feng told them about his son's accident in spain that made him lost his memory, and ordered Shan Cai to stay away from his son.
Ye Sha and Dao Ming Si managed to find a small apartment. Since they didn't have enough money, Ye Sha joined a drinking competition and won an amount of $1000 which they used to pay the rent and to buy food.Meanwhile, the lonely Shan Cai visited the house where Dao Ming Si was locked up when he was kidnapped by Ching Her. She left some messages on the walls telling how much she misses Ah Si and that she was willing to wait for him forever. She was hoping that he will one day visit the house and read on that message.
After asking some locals about the Dao Ming's family house, Ye Sha and Dao Ming Si managed to break in and get some photos. With the help of Yu Sao, they were able to get out from the mansion without being seen by Dao Ming Si's mom.Shan Cai kept on advertising drinks on the street in order to earn money for the payment of the billboard for Dao Ming Si. When her message appeared on the electronic board, Dao Ming Si was able to read it. He tried calling the number posted, but failed to contact Shan Cai.Ye Sha was able to get information about Ah Si and informs him that he's one of the F4. She then managed to find Mei Zuo's home and waited for him. She pretended to act as a Ying De student from the younger batch, and interviewed him to know more F4 stuff.
Ye Sha was able to find out from Mei Zuo where they use to hang out and later brings Ah Si in the said place. When Ah Si was seen by F3, he immediately ran away from them. He told them that he hates his past.Ah Si then went back to see Ye Sha and told her that he wanted to start a new life. He tried looking for a job, but was unsuccessful enough to find one.Mei Zuo met up with Shan Cai and informed her that they found Ah Si, but told the rest of them that he hated his past. Shan Cai told Mei Zuo that as long as Ah Si was okay, then they need to move on with their new lives too.
Dao Ming Si was able to get a job in a restaurant. On Valentine's day, he decided to cook something special for Ye Sha.Qing He asked Shan Cai to spend the special day with him, she she told him that she was busy working at the bakery.He came back and offered to fetch her home. While listening to the radio, she was able to hear Qing he's dedication to her. F3 also heard this so they decided to call the station and send their greetings, too. Xi Men and Mei Zuo gave their messages, while Lei didn't speak but gave a recording of Ah Si's voice.
Dao Ming Si was able to meet his former college teacher, who was having a tire problem with his car in the street. He helped him change the tires and had a little chat with him soon after.After helping a man who was in trouble, Shan Cai and Ye Sha accidentally met in the bus. After a short talk, Shan Cai brought Ye Sha to the bakery where she works. Ye Sha soon applied and also worked in the shop.While walking on her way home, Shan Cai was able to see Ah Si and tried to chase for him. Ah Si was able get immediately on a bus when Shan Cai was about to reach him. Shan Cai continued to chase on the bus where he rode and yelled for his name, but he didn't hear her.Ah Si and Ye Sha visited the place where they first stayed after arriving from Spain. It was the same place where they were both locked up by Ching Her. When they arrived there, they both found the message left by Shan Cai on the wall. He was touched, but he couldn't remember anything.Lei remained to stay beside Shan Cai during her low moments.
Ah Si was still clueless about his past. He told Ye Sha that he remembers some good memories, but he can't remember the girl who wrote the message on the wall. He also told her that he may no longer have feelings for this girl (Shan Cai), because he have already develop his feelings for Ye Sha. Ye Sha then decided to leave Taiwan and go back to Spain, but Ah Si chased after her and begged her to stay. She eventually changed her mind and kept her promise to help him discover his past.Meanwhile, Shan Cai had to return a package from Ms. Zhang to Mr. Gao.
Ye Sha and Shan Cai discovered that the man they helped in the park was Mr. Gao, the president of one of the biggest corporation in Taiwan. Ye Sha and Shan Cai decided to help reunite Mr. Gao and Ms. Zhang after learning about their past love story.Dao Ming Feng was surprised to see Shan Cai in Gao Corporation, and eventually became so dissapointed after learning that Mr. Gao had to cancel their business meeting because of Shan Cai.After travelling for more than five hours just to buy the special sponge cake, Shan Cai and Mr. Gao immediately travelled back to present the cake to Ms. Zhang, who was almost on her way to the airport. The scene where Mr. Gao and Ms. Zhang looked into each other's eyes reminded Shan Cai of Ah Si. She cried and immediately left.
Shan Cai went to look for Mr. Gao in his firm. As she stepped in to the waiting room, she saw Dao Ming Feng sitting on the sofa. She sat down on the seat next to Dao Ming Feng's with only a little table between them. When Mr. Gao arrived, he informed Dao Ming Feng about his decision on the business merge. He told her that Shan Cai helped him find the most important thing in his life.Outside the corporation, Dao Ming Feng told Shan Cai that she didn't owe her a thing, but in case she needs anything, she can ask her for help. Shan Cai declined Dao Ming Feng's offer and told her that she will never ask help from her.Shan Cai and Ah Si finally met face to face, but Shan Cai suddenly felt upset when Ah Si wasn't able to recognize her. Ye Sha was not aware about Shan Cai's relationship with Ah Si. She told Shan Cai about Ah Si's accident that made him lost his memory. Shan Cai decided not to tell them who she really was in Ah Si's life.Ye Sha soon learned from Mei Zuo that Dao Ming Si was Shan Cai's boyfriend. She suddenly felt upset and was hurt upon hearing it from Mei Zuo. She then decided to inform Shan Cai that she already knew her real relationship with Ah Si.
Ye Sha and Shan Cai talked about their current situation. Inspite of realizing that they were both in-love with the same man, they still managed to get in good terms.While Xi Men was having a problem with his business, Mei Zhou meet up with Dao Ming Si to talk about his past life.Shan Cai's circumstances take a turn for the worst after her father was arrested for stealing a company car. Hua Zhe Lei returned to Taiwan and learned about his friend's situation.When Dao Ming Si woke up one morning, he saw a sketch of Ye Sha in her room. He suddenly realized that Ye Sha was gone, and had no idea that she will be leaving the country for good. Ye Sha decided to give up her love for Ah Si because of Shan Cai.
Ah Si learned about Ye Sha's plan to leave Taiwan for Spain. While at the airport, Ye Sha fainted and missed her flight. She woke up in a hospital and learned that she was very sick. The doctor informed her that if her health condition comes to worst, she might only live for three to sixth months.Ah Si decided to meet up with his mom and makes an agreement to go back home if his mother can find Ye Sha. Meanwhile, Shan Cai tried to win Ah Si back by sending him a tin box containing some memorable items that could help him remember his past. Shan Cai managed to stay tough and didn't give up. She brought some balloons to his house and released them in front of him. However, Dao Ming Si was still unable to remember things.
F3 went to look for Dao Ming Si's apartment. When they got there, Dao Ming Si fried some eggs and presented it to them in 3 plates on a table on the balcony. They shared some stories and Ah Si was able to speak some of the things he could remember from his past.Dao Ming Feng thought of reuniting Ye Sha with Dao Ming Si. She also learned that Ye Sha came from an imperial family, and she wanted her son to be with her. Meanwhile, Ah Si was starting to rememeber things after seeing the red tag contained in Shan Cai's tin box. Shan Cai was happy to learn that Ah si wanted to meet up with her. Although, she became upset when Ah Si returned her box and told her that he decided to stay with Ye Sha.
At the Dao Ming's family mansion, Dao Ming Feng made an agreement with Ye Sha to let Shan Cai to see Ah Si in a condition that Ye Sha would agree to an arranged engagement with her son. Dao Ming Feng's selfish intention to seek for the dream of power made Ye Sha disagree to the arrangement, but then she also realized that Shan Cai's last hope for happiness was in her own hands. So she decided to agree to this arrangement in a three-month period with the intention to bring Shan Cai closer to Ah Si.Shan Cai was slowly giving up on her hope to bring Ah Si back. Lei still continued to stay by her side and comfort her.
Dao Ming Feng asked Shan Cai to work for her firm. She told her that this will give her the chance to get closer with Ah Si, and the reason why she was doing this was because she owes her a favor for the successful business merge with the Gao corporation. Shan Cai was not aware about the real intentions of Dao Ming Feng, but agreed to it.At Ying De University, people were discussing the news about Dao Ming Si and Ye Sha's engagement. They also learned that Shan Cai was working for the Dao ming Corporation.
Shan Cai started to work for the Dao Ming Corporation. She and Ah Si had a good start working together. At the end of the day, Ah Si encountered a minor accident when he fell from the ladder after searching for some files. Shan Cai was there and she immediately came to protect him from further injury. Shan Cai was injured when the ladder which was supposed to fall on Ah Si hit her instead. Ah Si had a flashback on a scene where he was with Shan Cai.Dao Ming Feng asked Ye Sha to join Xi Men's celebration party for Ah Si's engagement, but Ye Sha refused to come. Ah Si noticed the sudden change in Ye Sha's behaviour, and realized that she has been ignoring him lately. Shan Cai learned about this and gave him some hope.
Lei and Mei Zhou attended Xi Men's banquet. After Xi Men's father gave his speech on stage, he asked his son to give his message and tell something about the success of their company. When Xi Men started to talk about his mother being his inspiration, his father was embarrassed when the crowd started to look at him and his mistress. After the party, F4 wet to visit Shan Cai who was working overtime at the Dao Ming Corporation. They invited her out for a drink and celebrated Shan Cai's dedication for her work.
Ye Sha went to Dao Ming Si's office. When she approached to Ah Si's desk, she saw a picture of Shan Cai with the F4, which was taken during the time when they all went out together for a drink. As she was looking for the picture, she was happy to realize that the five of them are back to the way they used to be in the past.F3 and Shan Cai visited Xi Men in the hospital and brought him some stuff to cheer him up. Later, Xi Men's father came to visit him, spent some time with him, and explained to him the real situation regarding his relationship with his mother.Meanwhile, Mei Zuo has been going out with Xiao Qiao.
Xiao Qiao continued to play around with Mei Zuo. Shan Cai was happy to learn that Ah Si was starting to remember more things about her. When Dao Ming Feng learned about this, she immediately made a move that will make his son question Shan Cai's real motives.Mei Zuo introduced Xiao Qiao is to F3, but tried to embarrass her in front of them.
Ye Sha and Shan Cai went out to buy some books and chat at a coffe shop. Ye Sha told her about the meteor ring that Dao Ming Si was holding at scene of the accident. She also told her that the ring was stolen by a thief when they got to Taiwan.Ah Si got mad at Ye Sha for pushing him to Shan Cai. He also got mad at Shan Cai and accused for using her friends to get him back. Ye Sha talked to Ah Si and begged him to calm down.Later, Ye Sha convinced Ah Si to attend the swimming party with Shan Cai and F3.
F4, Shan Cai, Ye Sha, and some of their friends went out for swimming. While Dao Ming Si was chatting with his former classmates by the pool, Ye Sha and Shan Cai were talking about Ah Si. Shan Cai told her that she wanted to give up, but Ye Sha informed her that Ah Si may have fully regained back his memory and he'll soon come back for her. Their talk was interrupted when Dao Ming Si was drowned and lost his consciousness in the pool. He was soon brought to the hospital. When Dao Ming Feng arrived, she blamed Shan Cai of Ah Si's consequences.Dao Ming Si finally woke up in the hospital while regaining all his memories from his past.
Like last time, at the same place where Ye Sha decided to leave, she and Shan Cai stood next to each other on a bridge somewhere while staring out to the scenery of the night. The next day, Shan Cai left a letter for her parents before she took a train off to the countryside.Mei Zuo and Xiao Qiao went out for a date. Xiao Qiao told about the story of her cello and how it reminds her a boy she loved in the past. Mei Zhou told her in return that he may get jealous at her cello. Hearing this, Xiao Qiao gently stroked her cello then dropped it into the water. Mei Zhou immediately jumped into the water to get her cello, but Xiao Qiao told him to come back and leave the cello because she wanted to let go of her past.Back at the countryside, Shan Cai was visited by Lei.
At the Dao Ming mansion, Ye Sha sketched an image of Dao Ming Si. After Ye Sha was interrupted by a phone call, she started to talk about Ah Si's mom. The next day, Dao Ming Si was able to talk to Da Xin, Ah Lun, and Yi Ling and informed them that he totally regained his memory. Meanwhile, Shan Cai and Lei were getting closer together.
At the Dao Ming mansion, Dao Ming Si told Sha Ge that he remembers everything about his past. He also admitted to him that he loves Shan Cai more than Ye Sha. Sha Ge then informed him about the real condition of Ye Sha. Ah Si learned that Ye Sha was dying. He then went to her, but didn't inform her about his real feelings for Shan Cai. Meanwhile, Lei realized that he was totally in-love with Shan Cai.
Ah Si went out with Xi Men and Mei Zhou for a drink. He learned from Mei Zuo that Lei was taking care of Shan Cai. He also mentioned about the special feelings that have been developed between Lei Shan Cai lately.Shan Cai then told Lei that she would be giving up on Ah Si. Lei finally told her how much he loves her and asked her to go with him to Japan.Ah Si went to look for Shan Cai at the countryside to tell her about his real feelings. When he got to her place, he saw her kissing with Lei. He realized that Shan Cai may have given up on him already, and slowly walked away. Lei was talked to Ah Si and explained to him that Shan Cai still have to make her final decision.
After leaving from the country side, Dao Ming Si went back home to see Ye Sha. He learned that the bone marrow did not match with Ye Sha's. He inside her room, comforted her, and asked her to travel with him so they can spend the remaining moments together.Shan Cai resigned from the Dao Ming Corporation, and started to work in a travel agency.Lei talked to Shan Cai and told her that he may not be able to give her the happiness she wants since he knew that Ah Si was still in her heart.
Ye Sha sent a letter to Sha Ge to informed him about her successful bone marrow transplant. Ah Si told Ye Sha that he has gained back his memory. Ye Sha was happy to know that Ah Si still loves Shan Cai and informed him that she's fine with that.Mei Zuo watched Xiao Qiao perform with her cello with other musicians. He remembered the special memories that he spent with her. After her performance, Mei Zuo finally expressed his real feelings for her.Dao Ming Si has returned to Taiwan. He met up with F3 and wondered about Lei and Shan Cai's relationship. Lei told him that Ah Si and Shan Cai were the ones meant for each other. Lei encouraged Ah Si to follow his heart and seek for his happiness.
San Cai arrived in Spain. In the cab, she suddenly reminisced her past when she saw the church where she waited for Dao Ming Si before he met an accident. The next day, she strolled on the streets of Barcelona all by herself. She stood in front of a fountain and thought about the legend of the spring water while thinking of Dao Ming Si.In a bullfight event, San Cai was recording the crowded scenes with her video camera when she was accidentally pushed by the excited crowd. She struggled to get up until a hand wearing a meteor star ring stretches out to her. She held her hand (also wearing her own meteor star ring) onto his palm. Finally, the two rings were reunited together, as the two hands, each wearing one ring, are clasped together tightly. She looked up and she was surprised to see Dao Ming Si.From that moment, Shan Cai and Dao Ming Si were reunited.
Meteor Garden

Shan Cai was unhappy on her first day at the Ying De University. She didn't like her coward instructors and her rich and arrogant classmates, especially the guys who call themselves F4.The next day, tension was developed between Shan Cai and Dao Ming Si when she scolded him about his unmanly behaviour towards her best friend, Li Chen. Because of the incident, no one from the university dared to talk to Shan Cai, who then received a "red tag".Feeling upset with her current situation, Shan Cai ran towards the university's rooftop and cried with her anger. She was touched when F4's Hua Zhe Lei offered his handkerchief to her. On her way home, she bumped onto Dao Ming Si, and was warned by him to prepare for the next day's attack. Strong-headed San Chai then decided to declare war on F4 and challenged Dao Ming Si by sticking her own self-made red tag onto his forehead.Much to her surprise, Shan Cai was almost raped by the two guys sent by Dao Ming Si to scare her. Hua Zhe Lei just came in time to rescue her. The next day, she waited for Dao Ming Si and punched him on his face while scolding him for his immoral trick.After class, Shan Cai was kidnapped by some guys sent by Dao Ming Si and brought to his house. She was offered the right to be his girlfriend, which she found to be ridiculous, and immediately turned him down.
Shan Cai's anger to Dao Ming Si has reached its peak, as she saw the non-virgin stuff written about her on the board. She informs everyone that she's still a virgin.At home, Dao Ming Si took a relationship quiz that made him learn about himself.Shan Cai's affection on Lei was starting to grow, and she's trying to digest the news about his love life. The next day, she got to learn more about the Jing-Lei relationship from Mei Zhuo and Xi Men.When Shan Cai fainted at university, Dao Ming Si learns about it and decided to visit her at home.
Shan Cai was surprised when Dao Ming Si visited her in her home. Her parents were surprised when they found out about his social status, and immediately invited him to stay for dinner with them. When Dao Ming Si offered to cover her expenses for the upcoming class trip, Shan Cai immediately turned down his offer, and told him that she's going to take her friend's offer on the cruise trip instead.Shan Cai was surprised to see F4 at the port, who eventually opted for the cruise trip. She had no other choice but to attend the party with them, where she found herself in a 'lip-lock' game with Dao Ming Si. That night, she happened to hear Lei and Jing's conversation and learned that Lei was still in-love with Jing.At the university, Dao Ming Si heard about the rumours about Shan Cai and Hua Zhe Lei spending some moments together. He immediately went to look for Shan Cai and started to kiss her.The next day, Shan Cai received an elegant dress from Dao Ming Si. She gave the dress to Li Chen, and decided to attend Jing's party with Xiao You while thinking of what dress to wear.
Hua Zhe Lei was dissapointed to hear Jing's announced in her party that she was leaving for Paris to pursue her dream. The next day, Shan Cai begged her to stay in the country for Hua Zhe Lei, but she has already made up her mind. Lei then decided to follow Jing in Paris.Dao Ming Si wanted to make up with Shan Cai, so he asked her to go out with him for a date. She then decided and meet up with him, and he brought her to an expensive café in a hotel. They started arguing and ended up at the fire exit staircase, where they eventually made up, but realized that they were locked. Both of them had no choice but to spend the night there together. When Dao Ming Si was about to kiss Shan Cai, they were interrupted by a cleaner who unlocked the door. The rumours about them spending the night together in that hotel became an issue in the university.
Shan Cai woke up in a hotel room after getting drunk with her friends, wondering how she got there. The club DJ met up with her to return her ID which he accidentally took that night, and explained to her that nothing happened.Meanwhile, Xi Men and Mei Zuo told Dao Ming Si that Shan Cai might have feelings for him, but was just afraid to tell him. The following day, photos of Shan Cai and the club DJ, which was secretly taken, were posted on the university's notice board. Dao Ming Si was dissapointed, and went on his way drinking. Li Chen brought him to a nearby hotel, kissed him, and confessed her feelings for him. He rejected her, and immediately rushed to the university to save Shan Cai from getting beaten by other male students.Dao Ming Si brought Shan Cai to his house, told her how much he cares about her, and kissed her passionately.Hua Zhe Lei arrived from Paris and showed up at the pub, Dao Ming Si introduced Shan Cai to his friends as his girlfriend. Shan Cai immediately denied his statement.
Shan Cai learned that the person responsible behind the photos posted in the university's notice board was her best friend, Li Chen. Li Chen told her that she has always envied her, and Shan Cai was really dissapointed. The next day, Li Chen apolozed for the last time and left the university for good. F4 and Shan Cai went to Japan for a short holiday. That night, Shan Cai went out for a walk along the beach joined Hua Zhe Lei at the seaside. Her cellular rang after a while and immediately went back to see Dao Ming Si. The next day, Dao Ming Si found out that Shan Cai met up with Lei at the seaside that night.Shan Cai learned about the news on Jing's marriage in a magazine. That night, she went out for a walk along the beach to see Lei once again. This time, Shan Cai and Lei hugged each other and kissed, not knowing that Dao Ming Si was actually watching them.Dao Ming Si's older sister arrived from New York, and learned about the tension between Ah Si and Lei.
Dao Ming Si waited for Shan Cai outside her house to ask her to confess her feelings for him. He was willing to cancel the competition and forgive her since he really loves her, but Shan Cai refused to tell him about her feelings.Lei thought of a clever plan to win the competition against Dao Ming Si by pretending to be intimate with Shan Cai, that made Dao Ming Si loose his temper and cancel the competition.Dao Ming Si started to drink again, and eventually decided to go to New York with her sister. Shan Cai found out about his sudden decision and immediately confronted him. She became very emotional and started to feel upset.At home, Shan Cai found out that her father was fired from his job and they had to move to a smaller house.At the airport, Lei talked to Dao Ming Si and told him that it was him that Shan Cai really likes.After learning about Shan Cai's current financial condition, F3 visited her and helped her sell some cakes.
Shan Cai arrived in her home and was surprised to see Dao Ming Si waiting for her there. F4 was once again reunited.Shan Cai found out that her father had borrowed a huge amount of money from the loan sharks and he couldn't afford to pay up, so she had no other choice but to borrow money from Dao Ming Si. In return to this favor, he wanted her to do something for him for the upcoming Saturday. When she went out to meet him on the said day, Dao Ming Si was surprised to her with a kid, which was supposed to be taken care of by her mother.Shan Cai was able find a second job at a fast food restaurant. Dao Ming Si learned about this, so he went to visit her at work, but they an argued about the guy who helped her get the job.Later, Shan Cai was introduced to a modeling job, where she met up with a strange lady who turned out to be a fake. The modeling pictures were used for false advertisement, and she really felt upset with it.Shan Cai then felt that she must draw the line between her and F4, so she asked Dao Ming Si to give up on her. But Dao Ming Si declared his love for her instead.
Though overwhelmed by Dao Ming Si's declaration of his love for her, Shan Cai turned him down.Shan Cai was kidnapped, and was surprised to learn that the man behind it turns out to be Xiao Suen, the guy who introduced her to the modeling job. He used her in order to lure Dao Ming Si into his trap. Dao Ming Si soon arrived there after receiving a call from the culprit. He and Shan Cai eventually managed to get out from there after getting beaten up.After the incident, things went good between San Chai and Dao Ming Si. He then invited her to his birthday party, and at the same time, he wanted to introduce her to his mom. At the party, Lei lied to Dao Ming Si's mom about Shan Cai's social status. Ah Si's mom wanted to embarrass her by asking her to play the piano in order to prove if she really comes from a wealthy family.
Shan Cai surprised everyone at the party by being able to play the piano gracefully. Dao Ming Si's mom asked her to leave the place immediately, in which Shan Cai did. Dao Ming Si soon followed her and they drove to a riverside, where Shan Cai gave her birthday present for him... the 'Dao Ming Si look-alike cookies.'After getting information about Shan Cai's family background, Dao Ming Si's mom went to Shan Cai's home and offered them US$1 million just to stay away from her son. Shan Cai's family turned down the offer.Dao Ming Si's mom won't stop until she breaks off the relationship of her son with Shan Cai.
Dao Ming Si's mom arranged her son's engagement with Xiao Ji. F3 and Shan Cai couldn't believe that Dao Ming Si was willing to try out the marriage with Xiao Ji.When Lei invited Shan Cai for a cup of espresso, they realized that Xiao Ji and Dao Ming Sze were also dating in the same café. The four soon found themselves together in one table. Later that day, Xiao Ji invited Shan Cai to try out the spa. Lei and Ah Si later got in there after Shan Cai lost her consiousness. Xiao Ji realized that Dao Ming Si was still in-love with Shan Cai. That night, Xiao Ji tried to win Ah Si's heart by standing naked in front of him, which he ignored. Shan Cai went to their room and saw Xiao Ji on top of Dao Ming Si. While Shan Cai was crying on Lei's shoulder, Dao Ming Si left Xiao Ji crying the next morning.When Shan Cai got home, her parents told her that they will be leaving the city for the suburb. Hoping to come into good terms with Shan Cai, Xaio Ji visited her and explained the incident she saw at the villa.Xiao Ji decided to cancel the marriage arrangement with Dao Ming Si.
Dao Ming Si's mom visited Shan Cai, who now lives alone in her apartment, and tried to buy her off for the second time. Shan Cai declined the offer. Later, she realized that Dao Ming Si's mom has bought the place where she was staying. Dao Ming Si found out about this and immediately looked for Shan Cai.Dao Ming Si's mom went to New York to handle some business matter, and assigned her personal assistant, Yu Tian, to watch over her son. When Dao Ming Si was able to find Shan Cai, he decided to bring her to his house. Yu Tian was there when they arrived. He told Dao Ming Si that Shan Cai needs to work as a maid if she wants to stay in the house. Shan Cai agreed to this inspite of Ah Si's objection.When Dao Ming Si invited Shan Cai to star-gaze with him one night, he surprised her with a diamond necklace present.
Dao Ming Si's mom arrived back from New York and found out that Shan Cai was staying in their house. She humiliated Shan Cai and asked her to leave immediately. Meanwhile, Shan Cai was worried about Xiao Yu who was dating the playboy, Xi Men.F4 discussed the return of Dao Ming Si's mom, and the possible moves that she might do to hurt Shan Cai. F3 suggested Dao Ming Si to move out from his house and find a place where he and Shan Cai can live together. Shan Cai met up with Dao Ming Si and did not agree with his plan.For the first time, Shan Cai made the move to kiss Dao Ming Si, which surprised him.
Shan Cai confronted Dao Ming Si's mom after learning about the move she made in order to hurt her friends. Shan Cai plead to her to leave her friends alone, and she promised to stay away from her son. That night, Shan Cai broke up with Dao Ming Si. The next day, she dropped out from the university and reunited with her parents at the suburb.Shan Cai lied to her parents about the real incident, and told them that she was there for a holiday. She was able to find a job at a small café and met a new friend named Ah Sung. Dao Ming Si tried to ignore his friends and forget about Shan Cai at the same time. Lei, Mei Zuo, and Xi Men worked together in order to
find Shan Cai.
Ching Her was able to watch Shan Cai on the television, and he was able to get a clue on her whereabouts. He immediately informed this to F3. Lei tried to inform Dao Ming Si about the good news, but Dao Ming Si didn't care about Shan Cai anymore. Lei and Ching Her immediately went to the suburb to get in touch with Shan Cai. Meanwhile, Shan Cai's parents were having trouble about their unpaid debts. When Lei and Ching Her arrived at the suburb the next morning, Lei offered to pay the debts and convinced Shan Cai to go back to the city.Lei took care of Shan Cai, and told her to go back to the university, which she did. She also formally broke up with Dao Ming Si. She returned the diamond necklace he gave to him, but Dao Ming Si threw it into the lake. When Dao Ming Si left, she looked for the necklace. Lei happened to pass by and understood how the necklace meant to her.Dao Ming Si went to Mei Zuo and Xi Men to talk about his real feelings for Shan Cai. That night, Shan Cai arrived home and was surprised to see her front porch decorated with light bulbs arranged to resemble the diamond necklace given to him by Dao Ming Si.
Shan Cai received a letter from Lei telling her about his sudden departure to Japan to handle his father's business.Xiao Ji visited Shan Cai in her home and they both made a pact to leave their past behind and move forward. The next day, Xiao Ji brought Shan Cai along for a couple of blind dates. Shan Cai was able to meet a guy who introduced himself as the cousin of Dao Ming Si. After she managed to run away from this guy, she bumped onto Dao Ming Si, who invited her for a drink. As they talked about their relationship, Shan Cai told him that she went out for a blind date and happen to meet his cousin. Dao Ming Si was surprised and told her that he didn't have any cousin at all.Shan Cai soon learned that the guy she dated earlier was sent by Dao Ming Si's mom to separate her from Ah Si.
Yar Men, the guy who introduced himself as Dao Ming Si's cousin, told Shan Cai about his real identity. He apologized to her and hoped that they remain as friends. Later, he told her about his real feelings for her and convinced her to forget about his love for Dao Ming Si. Shan Cai tried to ignore Dao Ming Si and went out with Yar Men, but she decided to go back to Dao Ming Si's arms in the end.Meanwhile, Xiao Ji expressed her love for Xi Men. She told him that she doesn't really care about his playboy attitude.Shan Cai was surprised to find out that Dao Ming Si has decided to move next to her house in order to protect her anytime.
Xiao Ji and Xi Men met up in a hotel. She told him that her has family decided to immigrate in Canada and that they would soon be leaving the country. The next day, Shan Cai heard Dao Ming Si's complaints about his new apartment, yet she was happy that he has at least tried to live with it for her sake.At the Italian Tomato, Xi Men realized that he has feelings for Xiao Ji. He decided to try changing his lifestyle for her sake. Meawhile, Dao Ming Si told Shan Cai that he will be going back to his real home so that his mom's private investigators won't suspect about about their relationship. He told her that if his mom finds out about it, she will be doing another move to in order to separate them again.Dao Ming Si's instinct proved to be correct when his mom immediately went home from New York when she found out about their relationship. He was captured by his mom's bodyguards and was locked in his room. But he was clever enough to dial his cellphone and contact Mei Zuo, who heard about the actual kidnapping incident. Mei Zuo immediately informed this to Xi Men, and they decided to go to Dao Ming Si's house but were not allowed to go in. Instead, they were informed about the marriage arrangement made for Dao Ming Si and Xiao Ji.Mei Zuo and Xi Men discussed about the matter with Shan Cai and Ching Her. When Lei learned about what happened, he immediately took a flight back to Taiwan in order to help his friends.
Dao Ming Si's sister arrived from New York after learning about her mom's plot against his brother's relationship with Shan Cai. Dao Ming Si decided not to eat as his sign of protest to his mom. Shan Cai told Dao Ming Si's mom that she would wait for him outside their house and fast like what her son was doing. That night, Shan Cai stood outside their house and waited patiently as it rained heavily. Dao Ming Si's sister tried to talk to her mom about the mess she had created, and convinced her to think about his son's happiness.That night, Dao Ming Si's mom realized her mistakes. She cancelled the wedding arrangement, and decided to go back to New York the next day.The wet and sick Shan Cai meet up with Dao Ming Si. They are now free to express their love for each other. As they held each other tight, Shan Cai fainted into his arms.Later, Shan Cai finally declared her love for Dao Ming Si.
Shan Cai's anger to Dao Ming Si has reached its peak, as she saw the non-virgin stuff written about her on the board. She informs everyone that she's still a virgin.At home, Dao Ming Si took a relationship quiz that made him learn about himself.Shan Cai's affection on Lei was starting to grow, and she's trying to digest the news about his love life. The next day, she got to learn more about the Jing-Lei relationship from Mei Zhuo and Xi Men.When Shan Cai fainted at university, Dao Ming Si learns about it and decided to visit her at home.
Shan Cai was surprised when Dao Ming Si visited her in her home. Her parents were surprised when they found out about his social status, and immediately invited him to stay for dinner with them. When Dao Ming Si offered to cover her expenses for the upcoming class trip, Shan Cai immediately turned down his offer, and told him that she's going to take her friend's offer on the cruise trip instead.Shan Cai was surprised to see F4 at the port, who eventually opted for the cruise trip. She had no other choice but to attend the party with them, where she found herself in a 'lip-lock' game with Dao Ming Si. That night, she happened to hear Lei and Jing's conversation and learned that Lei was still in-love with Jing.At the university, Dao Ming Si heard about the rumours about Shan Cai and Hua Zhe Lei spending some moments together. He immediately went to look for Shan Cai and started to kiss her.The next day, Shan Cai received an elegant dress from Dao Ming Si. She gave the dress to Li Chen, and decided to attend Jing's party with Xiao You while thinking of what dress to wear.
Hua Zhe Lei was dissapointed to hear Jing's announced in her party that she was leaving for Paris to pursue her dream. The next day, Shan Cai begged her to stay in the country for Hua Zhe Lei, but she has already made up her mind. Lei then decided to follow Jing in Paris.Dao Ming Si wanted to make up with Shan Cai, so he asked her to go out with him for a date. She then decided and meet up with him, and he brought her to an expensive café in a hotel. They started arguing and ended up at the fire exit staircase, where they eventually made up, but realized that they were locked. Both of them had no choice but to spend the night there together. When Dao Ming Si was about to kiss Shan Cai, they were interrupted by a cleaner who unlocked the door. The rumours about them spending the night together in that hotel became an issue in the university.
Shan Cai woke up in a hotel room after getting drunk with her friends, wondering how she got there. The club DJ met up with her to return her ID which he accidentally took that night, and explained to her that nothing happened.Meanwhile, Xi Men and Mei Zuo told Dao Ming Si that Shan Cai might have feelings for him, but was just afraid to tell him. The following day, photos of Shan Cai and the club DJ, which was secretly taken, were posted on the university's notice board. Dao Ming Si was dissapointed, and went on his way drinking. Li Chen brought him to a nearby hotel, kissed him, and confessed her feelings for him. He rejected her, and immediately rushed to the university to save Shan Cai from getting beaten by other male students.Dao Ming Si brought Shan Cai to his house, told her how much he cares about her, and kissed her passionately.Hua Zhe Lei arrived from Paris and showed up at the pub, Dao Ming Si introduced Shan Cai to his friends as his girlfriend. Shan Cai immediately denied his statement.
Shan Cai learned that the person responsible behind the photos posted in the university's notice board was her best friend, Li Chen. Li Chen told her that she has always envied her, and Shan Cai was really dissapointed. The next day, Li Chen apolozed for the last time and left the university for good. F4 and Shan Cai went to Japan for a short holiday. That night, Shan Cai went out for a walk along the beach joined Hua Zhe Lei at the seaside. Her cellular rang after a while and immediately went back to see Dao Ming Si. The next day, Dao Ming Si found out that Shan Cai met up with Lei at the seaside that night.Shan Cai learned about the news on Jing's marriage in a magazine. That night, she went out for a walk along the beach to see Lei once again. This time, Shan Cai and Lei hugged each other and kissed, not knowing that Dao Ming Si was actually watching them.Dao Ming Si's older sister arrived from New York, and learned about the tension between Ah Si and Lei.
Dao Ming Si waited for Shan Cai outside her house to ask her to confess her feelings for him. He was willing to cancel the competition and forgive her since he really loves her, but Shan Cai refused to tell him about her feelings.Lei thought of a clever plan to win the competition against Dao Ming Si by pretending to be intimate with Shan Cai, that made Dao Ming Si loose his temper and cancel the competition.Dao Ming Si started to drink again, and eventually decided to go to New York with her sister. Shan Cai found out about his sudden decision and immediately confronted him. She became very emotional and started to feel upset.At home, Shan Cai found out that her father was fired from his job and they had to move to a smaller house.At the airport, Lei talked to Dao Ming Si and told him that it was him that Shan Cai really likes.After learning about Shan Cai's current financial condition, F3 visited her and helped her sell some cakes.
Shan Cai arrived in her home and was surprised to see Dao Ming Si waiting for her there. F4 was once again reunited.Shan Cai found out that her father had borrowed a huge amount of money from the loan sharks and he couldn't afford to pay up, so she had no other choice but to borrow money from Dao Ming Si. In return to this favor, he wanted her to do something for him for the upcoming Saturday. When she went out to meet him on the said day, Dao Ming Si was surprised to her with a kid, which was supposed to be taken care of by her mother.Shan Cai was able find a second job at a fast food restaurant. Dao Ming Si learned about this, so he went to visit her at work, but they an argued about the guy who helped her get the job.Later, Shan Cai was introduced to a modeling job, where she met up with a strange lady who turned out to be a fake. The modeling pictures were used for false advertisement, and she really felt upset with it.Shan Cai then felt that she must draw the line between her and F4, so she asked Dao Ming Si to give up on her. But Dao Ming Si declared his love for her instead.
Though overwhelmed by Dao Ming Si's declaration of his love for her, Shan Cai turned him down.Shan Cai was kidnapped, and was surprised to learn that the man behind it turns out to be Xiao Suen, the guy who introduced her to the modeling job. He used her in order to lure Dao Ming Si into his trap. Dao Ming Si soon arrived there after receiving a call from the culprit. He and Shan Cai eventually managed to get out from there after getting beaten up.After the incident, things went good between San Chai and Dao Ming Si. He then invited her to his birthday party, and at the same time, he wanted to introduce her to his mom. At the party, Lei lied to Dao Ming Si's mom about Shan Cai's social status. Ah Si's mom wanted to embarrass her by asking her to play the piano in order to prove if she really comes from a wealthy family.
Shan Cai surprised everyone at the party by being able to play the piano gracefully. Dao Ming Si's mom asked her to leave the place immediately, in which Shan Cai did. Dao Ming Si soon followed her and they drove to a riverside, where Shan Cai gave her birthday present for him... the 'Dao Ming Si look-alike cookies.'After getting information about Shan Cai's family background, Dao Ming Si's mom went to Shan Cai's home and offered them US$1 million just to stay away from her son. Shan Cai's family turned down the offer.Dao Ming Si's mom won't stop until she breaks off the relationship of her son with Shan Cai.
Dao Ming Si's mom arranged her son's engagement with Xiao Ji. F3 and Shan Cai couldn't believe that Dao Ming Si was willing to try out the marriage with Xiao Ji.When Lei invited Shan Cai for a cup of espresso, they realized that Xiao Ji and Dao Ming Sze were also dating in the same café. The four soon found themselves together in one table. Later that day, Xiao Ji invited Shan Cai to try out the spa. Lei and Ah Si later got in there after Shan Cai lost her consiousness. Xiao Ji realized that Dao Ming Si was still in-love with Shan Cai. That night, Xiao Ji tried to win Ah Si's heart by standing naked in front of him, which he ignored. Shan Cai went to their room and saw Xiao Ji on top of Dao Ming Si. While Shan Cai was crying on Lei's shoulder, Dao Ming Si left Xiao Ji crying the next morning.When Shan Cai got home, her parents told her that they will be leaving the city for the suburb. Hoping to come into good terms with Shan Cai, Xaio Ji visited her and explained the incident she saw at the villa.Xiao Ji decided to cancel the marriage arrangement with Dao Ming Si.
Dao Ming Si's mom visited Shan Cai, who now lives alone in her apartment, and tried to buy her off for the second time. Shan Cai declined the offer. Later, she realized that Dao Ming Si's mom has bought the place where she was staying. Dao Ming Si found out about this and immediately looked for Shan Cai.Dao Ming Si's mom went to New York to handle some business matter, and assigned her personal assistant, Yu Tian, to watch over her son. When Dao Ming Si was able to find Shan Cai, he decided to bring her to his house. Yu Tian was there when they arrived. He told Dao Ming Si that Shan Cai needs to work as a maid if she wants to stay in the house. Shan Cai agreed to this inspite of Ah Si's objection.When Dao Ming Si invited Shan Cai to star-gaze with him one night, he surprised her with a diamond necklace present.
Dao Ming Si's mom arrived back from New York and found out that Shan Cai was staying in their house. She humiliated Shan Cai and asked her to leave immediately. Meanwhile, Shan Cai was worried about Xiao Yu who was dating the playboy, Xi Men.F4 discussed the return of Dao Ming Si's mom, and the possible moves that she might do to hurt Shan Cai. F3 suggested Dao Ming Si to move out from his house and find a place where he and Shan Cai can live together. Shan Cai met up with Dao Ming Si and did not agree with his plan.For the first time, Shan Cai made the move to kiss Dao Ming Si, which surprised him.
Shan Cai confronted Dao Ming Si's mom after learning about the move she made in order to hurt her friends. Shan Cai plead to her to leave her friends alone, and she promised to stay away from her son. That night, Shan Cai broke up with Dao Ming Si. The next day, she dropped out from the university and reunited with her parents at the suburb.Shan Cai lied to her parents about the real incident, and told them that she was there for a holiday. She was able to find a job at a small café and met a new friend named Ah Sung. Dao Ming Si tried to ignore his friends and forget about Shan Cai at the same time. Lei, Mei Zuo, and Xi Men worked together in order to
find Shan Cai.
Ching Her was able to watch Shan Cai on the television, and he was able to get a clue on her whereabouts. He immediately informed this to F3. Lei tried to inform Dao Ming Si about the good news, but Dao Ming Si didn't care about Shan Cai anymore. Lei and Ching Her immediately went to the suburb to get in touch with Shan Cai. Meanwhile, Shan Cai's parents were having trouble about their unpaid debts. When Lei and Ching Her arrived at the suburb the next morning, Lei offered to pay the debts and convinced Shan Cai to go back to the city.Lei took care of Shan Cai, and told her to go back to the university, which she did. She also formally broke up with Dao Ming Si. She returned the diamond necklace he gave to him, but Dao Ming Si threw it into the lake. When Dao Ming Si left, she looked for the necklace. Lei happened to pass by and understood how the necklace meant to her.Dao Ming Si went to Mei Zuo and Xi Men to talk about his real feelings for Shan Cai. That night, Shan Cai arrived home and was surprised to see her front porch decorated with light bulbs arranged to resemble the diamond necklace given to him by Dao Ming Si.
Shan Cai received a letter from Lei telling her about his sudden departure to Japan to handle his father's business.Xiao Ji visited Shan Cai in her home and they both made a pact to leave their past behind and move forward. The next day, Xiao Ji brought Shan Cai along for a couple of blind dates. Shan Cai was able to meet a guy who introduced himself as the cousin of Dao Ming Si. After she managed to run away from this guy, she bumped onto Dao Ming Si, who invited her for a drink. As they talked about their relationship, Shan Cai told him that she went out for a blind date and happen to meet his cousin. Dao Ming Si was surprised and told her that he didn't have any cousin at all.Shan Cai soon learned that the guy she dated earlier was sent by Dao Ming Si's mom to separate her from Ah Si.
Yar Men, the guy who introduced himself as Dao Ming Si's cousin, told Shan Cai about his real identity. He apologized to her and hoped that they remain as friends. Later, he told her about his real feelings for her and convinced her to forget about his love for Dao Ming Si. Shan Cai tried to ignore Dao Ming Si and went out with Yar Men, but she decided to go back to Dao Ming Si's arms in the end.Meanwhile, Xiao Ji expressed her love for Xi Men. She told him that she doesn't really care about his playboy attitude.Shan Cai was surprised to find out that Dao Ming Si has decided to move next to her house in order to protect her anytime.
Xiao Ji and Xi Men met up in a hotel. She told him that her has family decided to immigrate in Canada and that they would soon be leaving the country. The next day, Shan Cai heard Dao Ming Si's complaints about his new apartment, yet she was happy that he has at least tried to live with it for her sake.At the Italian Tomato, Xi Men realized that he has feelings for Xiao Ji. He decided to try changing his lifestyle for her sake. Meawhile, Dao Ming Si told Shan Cai that he will be going back to his real home so that his mom's private investigators won't suspect about about their relationship. He told her that if his mom finds out about it, she will be doing another move to in order to separate them again.Dao Ming Si's instinct proved to be correct when his mom immediately went home from New York when she found out about their relationship. He was captured by his mom's bodyguards and was locked in his room. But he was clever enough to dial his cellphone and contact Mei Zuo, who heard about the actual kidnapping incident. Mei Zuo immediately informed this to Xi Men, and they decided to go to Dao Ming Si's house but were not allowed to go in. Instead, they were informed about the marriage arrangement made for Dao Ming Si and Xiao Ji.Mei Zuo and Xi Men discussed about the matter with Shan Cai and Ching Her. When Lei learned about what happened, he immediately took a flight back to Taiwan in order to help his friends.
Dao Ming Si's sister arrived from New York after learning about her mom's plot against his brother's relationship with Shan Cai. Dao Ming Si decided not to eat as his sign of protest to his mom. Shan Cai told Dao Ming Si's mom that she would wait for him outside their house and fast like what her son was doing. That night, Shan Cai stood outside their house and waited patiently as it rained heavily. Dao Ming Si's sister tried to talk to her mom about the mess she had created, and convinced her to think about his son's happiness.That night, Dao Ming Si's mom realized her mistakes. She cancelled the wedding arrangement, and decided to go back to New York the next day.The wet and sick Shan Cai meet up with Dao Ming Si. They are now free to express their love for each other. As they held each other tight, Shan Cai fainted into his arms.Later, Shan Cai finally declared her love for Dao Ming Si.
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