Monday, March 31, 2008

Baby Porridge Recipes


*To make one serving: 2 level tablespoons Basic Porridge Mix (above) 1 scoop Karicare Follow-On formula powder 100mls water

*Whisk together all ingredients in an oven-glass bowl (medium-size, about 8cm deep)
*Microwave on Full Power for 1 minute. Stir well. Microwave for 1 more minute, and then stir again
*Cool until tepid. It thickens a bit on cooling. Thin or cool with some formula or water if necessary to suit baby


½ a small ripe banana
*Add ½ a small ripe banana, sliced, to the above before cooking
*Microwave for 3 minutes, stirring well after each minute. Mash banana with a fork at the end of cooking until well blended through porridge
*Makes about ½ cup

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Havock Living With The In-Laws~~~

So,is there anybody out there that would like to stay with the in-laws after getting married? Well,better never ever stay with them because you will lost a lot of your privacy. Actually,I never really like my parents-in-law though now to say living together with them. Their life is really totally different with my family. This is the truth that I'm writting this blog to tell out my unsatisfactionary towards them. I don't like my father-in-law because he is acting like a KING OF THE HOUSE and always scolding people for no reason especially my hubby. I don't understand why he had such a strange character that I really cannot stand. He love to poking people around especially his youngest daughter to do all the house chores. How come she is so stupid to do all those work without any complaints? But one thing good about it is that she will clean up the whole house because my mother-in-law doesn't even know how to keep the house neat and tidy. What a shame. Guess what? All she know how to do is to watch the television so early in the morning. Another person that I hate the most is my eldest sister-in-law. I never like her since the first time I met her. The way she talk to people is very loud and rude. Well, I thought she will be living and working in KL with her husband but things change by the time she move back to Teluk Intan and work here. I got to know from my hubby that she move back because she is sick with a terrible depression. Now, she is on the process of a divorce with her more than two years husband. With the so terrible attitude, who can stand her rude manners. Even at home, she never know how to respect anybody by sleeping for the whole day and sometimes never go to work at all. Another embarrace thing is that she never even wearing a bra while inside the house where my hubby,father-in-law or her brothers are around. Just wearing those thin shirts which you can really see those tits through those shirts!!! Huh, she even bring back some guy from Taiwan to stay at the house. Can you imagine bringing a stranger from nowhere to stay in her room with her and her sister around. And their stupid mother can allow this thing to happen. Sickening!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Would You Be There Song Lyric

If I were blue, would you be there for me,And whisper in my ears that's ok.Would you stand by me, let me hold you tight,And say you love me one more time.

If I feel good, would you slow dance with me,And touch my lips with tender loving care,Would you die for me, would you run with me,And never look back..

Would you be there to love, to be with me?Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you'll always be the one,to take my breath away?

Would you be there to love, to be with me?Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you'll always be the one,to take my breath away?

Would you be there..

If i'm away, would you still think of me,And wish that you could hold me now,Would you die for me, would you run with me,All the way..

Would you be there to love, to be with me?Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you'll always be the one,to take my breath away?

Would you be there to save my soul tonight,Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you will always be there,To kiss my pain away...

Would you be there to love, to be with me?Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you'll always be the one,to take my breath away?

Would you be there to save my soul tonight,Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you will always be there,To kiss my pain away...

Would you be there?for me...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Allison @ Shanz ~ Day by Day Daily Achievement ~

13 September 2008 - Thursday: Today is the 1st day of my baby girl entering the new world.She is so dear and precious to me and my hubby.The day I bring her home from the hospital,so is sleeping so peacefully in my hugging.By the time we reached home,baby started crying because she was hungry.I feel a bit nervous at 1st.She cry for nearly for 20 minutes until I can comfort her by feeding her.At night,my nightmare begins as baby didn't want to sleep and crying all night and this happens for the whole month during my confinement period.I never get a good night sleep and I'm so deppressed with the baby crying every night and my hubby didn't help me take care of the baby.We quarelled every night just because I nagged my hubby for not understanding my condition after labor.
13 October 2008 - Saturday: Finally,it's over with those confinement thing that I got to face for the whole month.No taking bath and taking those food with gingers...Yucks!!! I hate ginger the most,but what to do? I had to eat for the sake to recover back my health after labor.
1st Month: My baby girl starts her 1st smile whenever I play with her.That's the happiest moment in my life as a mother.And whenever she is hungry,wet or time to sleep,there will 3 different kind of cries if you really understand the baby well.This is what I learn from my baby's crying "lor"...hahaha!!!
2nd Month: Guess what??? My baby girl starts to talk her baby language and it is quite a fun talking to her.She will sing if you listen to her carefully.Another thing is that she starts to suck her little fingers espesially thumb.I said just like eating drum stick!Guess what again? Now she is learning how to prone(means "meniarap"in Malay wording)on her own.She also trying to crawl but still like swimming pattern.Can you imagine how cute she will look in that way...
06 December 2007 - Thursday: Oh boy,today don't know what is the matter with her.She starts to cry ever since afternoon. Is she hungry? Wet?Time to sleep? The actual fact that she is sleepy but she won't sleep.This happens until night time and when the time I began to feed her again,she is really hungry this time.I feed her until she goes to sleep.Oh boy,what a day for me just to understand what a baby really want by listening to her crying language...
09 December 2007 - Sunday: My baby is really in a very good mood after me and dear take her shopping.When I try to make her laugh,she's giggling away with me.Isn't that cute or what??? This is the first time she is laughing out loud. : )
3rd month (12 December 2007 - Wednesday): Today,I bring her to the clinic to get a 2nd dose injection.Guess what? She started crying before the nurse do anything... Actually,she's sleepy because I wake up her 8 in the morning to bathe her.That's why she doesn't have enough sleep and cry. At 1st,she never wanted her pacifier at all and always spit it out because the pacifier no taste mer... Now like addicted to it already and she only cry for it when she is sleepy but suddenly she wake up crying so terribly because of the jab + sleepy...poor thing.
13 December 2007 - Thursday: Tonight,went out with my bunch of my friends (Joanne,Li Kuan & Lilian) "yam cha" after my baby go to sleep.Hmm,by the time I came back,she already wake up and crying for milk.Just like knowing "mummy is already back to feed me".
15 & 16 December 2007 - Saturday & Sunday: A short trip to Cameron Highland with bunch of X-Treme friends.Me and dear brought along our little baby girl and it's her 1st trip since she was born.Altough it's quite hard to carry a baby along during vacation,but we still manage to buy some fruits,vegetables and souvenirs.Our baby girl seems to be in the center of attraction by everyone.
29,30 & 31 December 2007 - Saturday,Sunday & Monday: A family trip of 3 person - Me,my dear and our little baby girl to Penang Island for a short relaxing holiday.Our journey starts at about 7:30pm on Saturday and about to reach Butterworth at 11:00pm.Then,we had a short stop at the Auto City where the Penang Lantern Festival is located.Actually,we did think of going inside the fair but decided not to because it's already too late for my daughter.So,we only managed to snap a photo outside.After that,we continue our journey to Penang Island and reached my hubby's aunt house which is located in Tanjung Bungah at about 12:00am.Guess what we had for dinner a.k.a breakfast? Penang most popular "nasi kandar".Those chicken curry,mutton curry,fish curry...everything is so yummy yummy delicious.No other places nasi kandar is yummier than Penangs' one.On the next day,early in the morning after I bathe my little girl,we went out to Batu Ferringhi to have a "western breakfast" which I had never had before in Teluk Intan.As for breakfast,we had a pizza and hamburger.What a heavy breakfast.As we are having breakfast,we also can sight seeing beside the beautiful beach at Batu Ferringhi.There,we can do alot of seaside activities such as Banana Boat Riding,Parachuting and Horse Riding as well.There are also alot of foreigners in Penang Island especially In Batu Ferringhi because what they love the most is the beaches where they can relax and sun bathing.In the afternoon,I had called my sister and her boyfriend to join us for shopping at Penang's biggest shopping mall "Queensbay Mall".We shop and shop and shop until we are so exhauted and by the time we are hungry,we went for our late lunch at the "Dragon-i restaurant.After that we continue our shopping again until 10pm at night.At about 10:30pm,we went to a place called "New World" to have a nice cup of coffee at Star Buck cafeteria.What a day!!! The next day,is our last day in Penang Island.After having a simple breakfast at home,we bring our little girl to the swimming pool below the apartment.We went back to Teluk Intan after having our lunch.Well,although it's just a short trip,I hope to visit Penang again and this time to my sister's new house.
9 January 2008 - Wednesday: Today,is the 4th month for me to bring little Li Shan to the clinic to weigh.She is already 6kg but no injection this time.Well,times really flies as Baby Li Shan is already 4 months old.Now she already knows how to turn herself and prone ("meniarap" in Malay wording).Now,I really got to be very careful while putting her on the bed because she already know how to turn around the bed 360 degrees.But,one thing she didn't know yet is how to crawl.Besides loving to suck her little thumb,she like the "teether" which I bought for her. It's been 4 months I breast-feed my baby girl ever since she was born.Actually,I had tried before to feed her with bottle-feed milk powder,oh dear...she doesn't even want to suck any of it.Hmmm,actually,I have also been thinking to feed her with a little of porridge.Do you think I can feed her with that or got to wait until she is 6 months old?
11 February 2008 - Monday: Today is the third time I bring my baby girl to th clinic for weigh and injection. She is already 6.3kg this time.Well,just a few more days she will be 5 months.Time really flies as my baby is growing from day to day.
13 February 2008 - Wednesday: My baby girl is 5 months today.So happy that she is growing to be a healthy and happy baby.Now,as she has learned a few new things.She is quite talkative with all her baby languages.

13 March 2008 - Thursday: Well, my little precious is already 6 months today. Another 6 more months, she will be one year old. Day by day, Allison is already learning a lot of new things. Crawling, sitting, eating and talking baby languages but sometimes, she seems to understand what you are trying to tell her.