Friday, May 9, 2008

Bar Benders

Tony Cheung (蔣文滔, portrayed byAdam Cheng)- A Senior Counsel whose unscrupulous (but ethical) tactics have drawn much criticism in the past, as well as alienating his family and lovers. However, he managed to rehabilitate his reputation, and reconcile with his family.
Chong Hue Wai (莊曉慧, portrayed by Louisa So)- A Law Clerk at the Legal Aid Department, she is also a volunteer, and she helped Tony Cheung in his transformation into a better person.
Stephanie Cheung (蔣思庭, portrayed by Leila Tong)- Daughter of Tony Cheung. She is a barrister who hated her father's unscrupulous tactics. She tried to get as far away from her father as she can at first, but eventually reconciled with her father after his transformation into a better and more ethical barrister.
Lam Ga Shun (林家信, portrayed by Sammul Chan)- A truck driver who got to know Tony Tseung's daughter,
Sophie So (蘇若菲, portrayed by Anne Heung)- A former lover of Tony Cheung, who eventually cheated on him, and dated Richard Ngai.
Darren Lee (李廣德, portrayed by Power Chan)- An apprentice of Tony Cheung. He later acquired Tony's unscrupulous ways, and became Richard Ngai's counsel after his fallout with Cheung.
Richard Ngai (倪承坤, portrayed by Bill Chan)- A wealthy businessman who hired Tony Tseung as his counsel in the past, but later fell out with him.

The series revolves around a fictional Hong Kong Senior Counsel named Tony Tseung (蔣文滔). Senior Counsel Tseung is well known for winning 31 legal cases in a row, but is also notorious in legal circles for his unsavory (but ethical nonetheless) tactics. He is also notorious for being retained as counsel by unscrupulous businessman Richard Ngai (倪承坤). His focus on his legal career has also alienated family member and anyone romantically involved. His daughter, Stephanie, particularly hates him for not only his modus operand in legal battles (strike a victory on procedural errors, and not on evidence).
All this changed when Tony Tseung was dealt a career blow by Richard Ngai. In an assault case involving Richard Ngai, Ngai went over Tseung, and asked his pupil, Darren Lee, to conspire in a conspiracy to bribe a witness and have him lie in court by professing amnesia. When Tseung protested, Ngai fired Tseung, and cut off much of the businesses that came to Tseung's chamber (law firm). In the process, Tseung lost his girlfriend, Sophie So (蘇若菲), to Richard Ngai. Tseung drowned his sorrows in alcohol, and assaulted a foreigner at a bar. Tseung pled guilty to assault, and was sentenced to community service. That was where he began to rediscover the lost idealism and righteousness of his youth.

Point Of No Return

Damian Lau ~ Chow Ming Hin
Angie Chiu ~ Ng Yuk Hing
Julian Cheung ~ Chow Tin Chi
Charmaine Sheh ~ Ho Seung Hei
Belinda Hamnett ~ Loh Bik Kei
Sammul Chan ~ Chen Kwok Bong

Chow Ming Hin (Damian Lau) single-handedly builds his family shipping business into a successful enterprise despite other family members whom are either corrupt or incompetent. His son Chow Tin Ci (Julian Cheung) is earmarked as his successor, he is a spoiled brat who enjoys playing pranks on others, in particular Ho Seung Hei (Charmaine Sheh). Ng Yuk Hing (Angie Chiu) is both Chow Ming Hin's right-hand-man in business and love of his life, even though he is married. Eventually he marries her as a second wife, arousing much jealousy from his first wife Lee De Yung (Lui San).
On Chow Ming Hin's death, the firm is left in the hands of Ng Yuk Hing, Chow not trusting his son's ability to run the business. She has to fend off both Lee's increasing bitterness towards her as well as the avarice of Tin Ci's uncles. Their feuding leads to Tin Ci and Seung Hei falling in love with each other, but it does not last long due to their differences in status, a point which Julian's family drive home as they conspire to force Seung Hei out.
Tin Ci is gutted by the breakup, and Yuk Hing tries her best to make him focus on taking over the shipping business to not much avail. Loh Bik Kei (Belinda Hamnett) plays his childhood friend who falls in love with him, but is unable to win his love. She is secretly happy that Seung Hei has gotten a new boyfriend, but no matter how hard she tells Tin Ci to give up, he refuses to. Even when Seung Hei marries, Julian's heart remains hers.
Subsequently, the shipping business runs into trouble when Ng Yuk Hing is forced to take care of her newborn child and has to leave the business to her brother and Tin Ci's uncles. Foreseeing the firm's bankruptcy, she claims her entitlement under Chow Ming Hin's will, but incurs the wrath of all. Seung Hei decides to join her husband in England, and Tin Ci is desperate to see her one last time. Bik Kei dissuades him, but in doing so, gets knocked down by a car when Julian rushes across a road and she pushes him away. She is paralyzed for life and Tin Ci promises to take care of her.
It turns out that Ng Yuk Hing had claimed her portion of the will not to escape from the family's impending misfortunes, but to have a substantial amount of money to start all over again when the firm was liquidated. With her foresight she finally earns the respect of her parents-in-law, as well as Lee De Yung.
The finale of the show revolves around the unresolved love affair between Chow Tin Ci and the widowed Ho Seung Hei. With his promise to care for and traditional attitudes to the probity of marrying a widow Julian is hesitant to rekindle his relationship with Seung Hei. Bik Kei, realizing where Julian's heart is, encourages him to try one last time

Glittering Days

Liza Wang ~ Kam Yin
Roger Kwok ~ Ling Fung
Charmaine Sheh ~ Lan / Fen Lan
Susanna Kwan
Paul Chun ~ Lan's father
Bill Chan
Sharon Chan ~ Carol
Chris Lai
Halina Tam
Charmaine Li

Kam Yin (Liza Wang) plays a former renowned Shanghai singer along with (Susanna Kwan) that make the "Three Golden Flowers". In the description of the story, World War II broke out at that time, Kam Yin was separated from her son. Years later, Kam Yin was a teacher for a singing group in a Hong Kong bar. The prominent singer of the time, Ling Fung (Roger Kwok Jun On) and Kam Ying met, but they do not get along at all. Every time they meet, something happens. Whether it was an argument or a fight.
Laan (Charmaine Sheh) is Ling Fung's childhood friend who had a crush on him ever since. She makes her way out of the village side to find him, but there is something with her voice. When they first met, Laan was from mainland China who seemed woefully uneducated and naive about everything. Laan started off as Ling Fung's student, and she was shy at first. They would develop a romance relationship that hits on and off, with Ling Fung's singing career in the middle. Eventually Ling Fung would experience a reverse of fortune. Ling Fung would end up selling sugar cane for a living, while Laan became the popular popstar. Someone informs the police with indications that Fung is a swindler of love and money. The chief investigator chases this case until the death and because of this, Fung can no longer continue working in the musical world. At this time, Fung accidentally finds out that the person who informed the reporter was Yin! Later, Yin finds out that her long lost son was actually Ling Fung all along...

Triumph in the Skies

Phillip Tong (唐璜, portrayed by Shek Sau)-The previously womanising playboy father of Samuel and Isaac, who works in the airport as their head chef.
Cammy Ying (刑佳美, portrayed by Mary Hon)- Wife of Phillip and the mother of both Samuel and Isaac. She and Phillip were separated one, but has since reunited. She later joined the airport as staff.
Samuel Tong (唐亦琛, portrayed by Francis Ng)- A senior pilot at Solar Airways. Having grown up with best buddy, Vincent, they both strive to be the first Chinese captain at Solar. Straight laced and serious, he often checks his emotions so as to appear cold hearted.
Issac Tong (唐亦風, portrayed by Ron Ng)- The younger brother of Samuel. He grew up believing his mother was his older sister, but finally found that he had a whole family in Philip and Samuel. Initially immature and irresponsible, he later became a pilot with Solar.
Vincent Ling (凌雲志, portrayed by Joe Ma)- Sam's best friend and fellow pilot. He used to be a playboy and treated women as playthings, but he later changed his outlook on life.
Coco Ling (凌卓芝, portrayed by Nancy Wu)- Vincent's little sister who lived in Australia until she moved to Hong Kong to join Solar as an air stewardess. Initially jealous of Belle, she is soon won over.
Isabelle "Belle" Lok (樂以珊, portrayed by Flora Chan)- A member of the Solar cabin crew, she first met Samuel in Milan and falls in love with him. Due to a misunderstanding, however, she eventually met and fell in love with Vincent and marries him instead.
Zoe So (蘇怡, portrayed by Myolie Wu)- A bubbly, vivacious and naive person, she aspired to work at the airport after a medical incident on an airplane
Paul Mok (莫善波, portrayed by Jerry Lamb)- Zoe's cousin. He initially aspired to be a pilot, but after failing his pilot examination, he joined the airport ground staff instead.
Ruby Bui (貝嘉露, portrayed by Louisa So)- One of Belle's best friends and ex-housemate. She is strict in her work and demands the best in everyone.
Zita Tung (童希欣, portrayed by Michelle Ye)- She began her career as the only female trainee pilot in the cadre. Growing up in a single parent family, she repeatedly searched for her father, whom she believes is in Japan.
Donald Man (萬浩聰, portrayed by Sammul Chan)- Coming from a wealthy family, he followed his love interest, Zita, into Solar as a trainee pilot, and nurtured a love for that profession.
Chris Tse (謝立豪, portrayed by Bosco Wong)- Despite being relatively poorer than Donald, he grew up with him, due to his father's occupation as Donald's father's chauffeur. He aspired for a career in aviation.
Roy Ko (高志宏, portrayed by Kenneth Ma)- a poor kid who joined Solar to break the cycle of being drivers, which is the occupation of all of his family members.
Tina Yip (葉雁婷, portrayed by Rebecca Chan)- Zita's mother, as well as training instructor for cabin crew.
Vicky Yau (丘慧琪, portrayed by Margaret Chung)- An experienced stewardess onboard Solar aircraft.

Revolving Doors of Vengeance

Joe Ma ~ Martin Ko Fung
Kenix Kwok ~ Becky Koo
Ron Ng ~Wong Kai Kit
David Chiang ~ Cheng Wing Fat
Ella Koon ~ Hoi Sum
Elaine Yiu ~ Chloe / Ho Yi
Ellesmere Choi ~ Wong Kai Yip
Winnie Yeung ~ Judy
Derek Kok ~ Mark
Mary Hon ~ Kai Kit's mother
Lau Dan ~ Wong Yuk Ting
Lo Hoi Pang ~ Ko Fung's father
Rebecca Chan

Wong Yuk Ting is the Chairman of Royal Court Hotel. He has three sons; Kai Yip, Kai Chi, and Kai Kit (Ron Ng). Kai Kit is Yuk Ting's second wife's (Mary Hon) son, therefore Kai Chi and Kai Yip doesn't like him very much. This is evident in a flashback shown where Chi attacked Kit's mother, angering Kit so much he nearly kills his older brother. For this Kit is in jail, but at the series' time he is about to be released. As soon as he is free, the first thing he does is attack his brothers, again. Next, he forces his brothers to admit their plans to seize power from their father and kick him out of the hotel, humiliating the family in front of the public.
When Yuk Ting dies in a car accident, he leaves Martin Ko Fung (Joe Ma) as head and CEO of the hotel. For a while, Martin sides with Kit in taking power away from his two brothers. He brings Kit back to the Hotel and befriends him, acting as a friend of sorts by teaching him honour and discipline in the form of Kendo. With Mark (Derek Kwok), Martin's friend and lawyer, he helps Kit's mother legally earn her place in the Wong family. Through careful schemes, he has Kit and his mother believe him to be another son of Yuk Ting's. As a result, Kit's mother gives all 5% of her shares in the hotel to him.
Kai Kit loves his mother very much and would do anything for her; however, he is also very hot-tempered and very easily aggravated. After Martin tricked his mother, he became very angry and tried to attack Martin. All his attempts fail, and Martin mocks him for only using his fists instead of using his brains.
Hoi Sum (Ella Koon) is a young girl who is not as wealthy as Kit and his family, she works at a fish market and was given the title "Mai Yu Mui" meaning "The Fish-Selling Girl". Her brother was in jail with Kit once. She becomes good friends with Kit and eventually starts working in the hotel to help him. Not long after, she falls in love with him.
Cheng Wing Fat (David Chiang) is Lau Dan's first wife's brother. He owns 5% of the shares but wants Royal Court Hotel all to himself. He attempted to take over in the past, but Yuk Ting discovers this and throws him out of hotel affairs. Now, he relys on his manipulation of Yip and Chi to subtly control the Hotel affairs, but with Yuk Ting's recent death he tries to return to the hotel. He plans to do this not only with the two brothers' support, but also with Becky Koo Bik Kay's (Kenix Kwok) help, a woman in the Communications Department who is secretly working for him.
In the beginning, Becky is a subtle villain as she does almost anything for the right price. First she appeared to be working for Chi, but in reality she is loyal only to Wing Fat. Even when she seemed to get along with Martin, it is revealed she was simply doing what Wing Fat told her to. For example, she tells Martin she loves to taste red wine and he takes her out on a date to do so. Then later in a meeting with Wing Fat, not only does she reveal she lied to Martin about her favourite brand, but she wasn't even that interested in wine.
With his authority unquestioned, Martin begins his plans to seize total control of the hotel. One by one, Julie and Yuk Ting's first two sons lose their authority. After Chi is thrown out, Martin tells Kit that this was for revenge, setting Kit out to try and find the source of Martin's grudge. With Hoi Sum and her brother's help, they learn that Yuk Ting apparently betrayed Martin's father - who had sponsored Yuk Ting's hotel - to the Chinese Mafia (Triads). It wasn't intentional, Yuk Ting was forced to, but when Kit confronted Martin about this Martin tells him it doesn't matter. Yuk Ting betrayed Martin's father, that's all he needs to know. He was nearly finished extracting his revenge, Kit is his next target. Forced into a corner, Kit starts to cooperate with his two brothers, and forms a close relationship with them.
With the three of them working together at last, the hotel starts to flourish once more. On business relations, the brothers convinces the other major shareholders to support them. When Martin tries to change the hotel name, the brothers finally manages a comeback and defeats the idea. Honourably, without simply using fists, and in one scene Kit returns to Martin in the Kendo Hall, and this time he duels him properly. This victory was not without a drawback, for when trying to stop the name-changing process, the brothers had to accept Wing Fat back into the hotel.
On personal relations, the Wong family starts getting along, as Julie starts treating them more nicely and the older brothers start welcoming Kit's mother. Kit's mother also comments that if it wasn't for Martin's deed, the three brothers wouldn't of gotten along. This is foreshadows to Martin's motives. Wing Fat adapts to this, and puts on an appearance of supporting the three brothers. Kit's and Hoi Sum's relationship is also hinted to become something more very soon. On another romantic note, Becky finds herself actually falling for Martin and decides she cannot betray him any longer.
Since Becky was gone, Wing Fat started to use his daughter, Chloe or Ho Yi (Elaine Yiu). Chloe's job was to get on Kit's good side and tell her father everything she found out about hotel affairs and his relationship with Martin. Often acting as the innocent and wronged girl, she is actually as cunning as her father. Even manipulating Mark at times. It was her who first discovers that Martin was actually trying to help the Wong family.
As it turns out, Yuk Ting never betrayed Martin's father. Not only did he keep his silence, but it was Yuk Ting who helped Martin and his father escape to America. Because Martin's father was missing, Martin views Yuk Ting in a father-uncle perspective. When Martin returned to Hong Kong and learns of the problems Yuk Ting was having, he offers to help. Yuk Ting should leave for a short time and allow Martin to lead the faltering hotel back into business. Without Yuk Ting around to protect his sons, Martin will play 'villain' and force them to cooperate. Sooner or later, the sons will end up having to actually work and learn about the hotel, rather than constantly fighting with each other. At the same time, Martin plans to take the 5% in Wing Fat's hands away. Once everything was settled, Martin will give power back to the sons, and go create his own hotel.
By the time Chloe and Wing Fat figured this out, Martin had already thrown Wing Fat out of the hotel again and effectively end the brothers' trust on him. For Chloe to be able to continue to spying, Wing Fat pretends to be angry at her for not leaving with him and disowns her. This causes everyone to believe, once again, that Chloe is an innocent victim. While Martin does not care much about this, Mark starts to have feelings for her, much to Chloe's glee. She did not try to stop this even when she loves someone else, Kit.
Meanwhile, Wing Fat decides to deepen the hatred between the brothers and Martin. He locates the driver who had accidentally killed Yuk Ting and has him tell the three brothers that Martin planned the whole thing. Furious, the three brothers viciously attack Martin, though Kit prevents them from killing the man. He comments that the law will soon catch up to people like Martin. Nevertheless, the three are now intent on ruining Martin completely, and Kit swears to beat Martin so hard Martin will never be able to recover.
Hoi Sum's brother meets an old con man, and when the two became friends (or more like, student and teacher) he asks the man to go into the hotel as a guest and gain Martin's trust. Then he was to con him into losing everything. The man does, but when he shows himself to Martin, Martin recognizes him as his long-lost father. However, the man doesn't recognize him, and if anything appears to not even know he has a son.
Chloe succeeds in gaining Kit's complete trust and she becomes obsessive over him. Aside from framing Hoi Sum and secretly causing her to run into frequent troubles at her job, she even gets Kit to believe that Hoi Sum is a bad person, and Kit and Hoi Sum began to fall apart. Soon, Hoi Sum could no longer endure this, and so when she is offered a job in the Philippines she accepts. The job was offered by a man who had developed a crush on her (Raymond Cho).
Martin and Becky's relationship soon turns sour when Martin uses her to force Wing Fat's recently returned wife to withdraw her support of Wing Fat. Not only that, Martin made it seemed as if Becky and Wing Fat were involved together and that Becky's son was Wing Fat's. The wife, who had a record of being emotionally unstable to the point she nearly drowned Chloe once, is furious and threatens Becky.
As things begin to unravel and Kit finds out that Martin was following Yuk Ting's orders to get himself and his brothers to cooperate, the story was coming to an end. Kit finds that he is actually in love with Hoi Sum and he breaks up with Chloe.
Chloe was angry about this and seeks Hoi Sum out, asking her to give Kit back. Hoi Sum said that she and Kit have nothing between them, but Chloe did not believe her. She followed Hoi Sum out to the sidewalk and begged her, screaming “Please give back my beloved Kit!!!” Chloe than sees a truck coming towards them, and in a vicious move she pushes Hoi Sum out to the street. The truck turned away just in time and hits Chloe instead. Chloe ends up in the hospital and she is told she will never be able to walk again. Wing Fat and Chloe's mother is mad at Kit and Hoi Sum. Kit takes Hoi Sum outside and talks to her. He finally admits his feelings and tells her he loves Hoi Sum and not Chloe. Hoi Sum said that she really needs time to think about this. After that, she leaves the Philippines, returning to Hong Kong to visit her family.
While this had all been happening, Martin finds out that Becky's son was actually his as well, as the result of a one-night stand. Taking responsibility, he apologizes and gets back together with her. Everything was going well, until the child disappeared and the two receive a ransom note. Knowing he did not have enough money, Martin decides to sell his shares to the two remaining brothers. Wing Fat overhears this, and at the night the documents were to be signed, he sent a few men out to prevent the two brothers from arriving, and he goes to Martin instead. Knowing he was running out of time, Martin sells his shares to Wing Fat. Later, it turns out that the whole ransom had been a lie, Kit had actually paid Becky to find a way to get Martin to sell his shares to his brothers. The only thing he didn't expect was Wing Fat's interference, and the fact that he himself learned from reliable sources that Martin had actually been trying to help him.
Mad at Kit for Chloe's legs being paralyzed, Wing Fat hired a triad group to cripple Kit. Hoi Sum’s brother tells her that a group of men will come and hurt Kit, she went out to try find him. She called but he wasn’t able to answer his cell phone. By the time Hoi Sum found him, he was injured. Kit was taken to the hospital, and Hoi Sum tells Kit that she really still likes him, earning a smile from Kit.
Meanwhile, Chloe's father plotted to take over the Royal Court Hotel with Martin's help. By now, Becky had left Martin, and he was furious at Kit for using her and his father against him like this. Now truly intent on revenge, Martin helped Wing Fat succeed in gaining ownership of the hotel. The three brothers now had no authority or control. Intent on going further, Martin starts watching the brothers and soon tells Wing Fat they were in negotiaitons with a company in building a tourist resort in Hong Kong.
This drew Fat's attention. To prevent the brothers' succeeding, he seized the piece of land. Kit congratulated Fat on his purchase and tells him that the story of a tourist resort was fake all along. Fat lost ownership of Royal Court Hotel since he sold his shares for the land purchase. Angered by this, Fat locked himself up with a bottle of red wine and fell down the stairs, ending up in a coma.
Martin Ko and Becky got back together again and Martin gave the hotel back to the three brothers; Kai Yip, Kai Chi, and Kai Kit. Mark, who had always been there for Chloe regardless of her actions, promised to take care of her. On Kai Kit’s mother birthday, The three brothers, Kit’s mother, Martin, Martin Ko’s father (who did not die), Hoi Sum and her family threw a party. Together, Kit and Hoi Sum gave a present to Kit’s mother. Kit’s mother asked when are they getting married. Kit answered, “ After I finish my work, then I will marry Hoi Sum.” Everyone laughed and the two(Kit and Hoi Sum) smiled.

Maiden's Vow

Joe Ma
Charmaine Sheh
Sammul Chan

The drama centers around a restaurant that is owned by four generations of women. The first generation is about Ngai Yu Fung, who was married to a good-for-nothing husband Wang Yuk Lun. Lun gambled away their family's assets and cheated on his wife numerous times. However, Fung remained faithful to her her husband, despite her and Ci's enduring love. Fung eventually became pregnant and had a daughter with Lun. The first story ends tragically, with Fung dying with her long time lover Yu Ci in a train accident. Attempting to crawl together with their last breath, in death, they remained separated as they had been during their lives.
The second story centers around Fung's daughter Wang Zi Kuan. She was raised by her grandmother and Fung's maid. She fell in love with her teacher, and they eventually eloped to Tianjin. Though they were very poor, they were still happy because they could be together. Her husband, who had studied to become a doctor, had to work in coal mines to support the family. The owner of the coal mines didn't care about the safety of the workers at all, and the death of a good friend spurred her husband to support the Revolution. Zi Kuan was separated from her husband and eventually returned to her home to help run the family restaurant. After two years with no news from her husband, he suddenly resurfaced, working for the Japanese. However, it turned out he was actually a double agent, and still fighting for the Revolution. He was found out and they fled for their lives, spending an unforgettable last night on the train together, before they had to part ways again. Zi Kuan became pregnant with their child, and continued to run the family restaurant. She waited for him for the rest of her life, and died of old age.
The third generation continues with Bak Wai Zhan, the granddaughter of Kuan. Zhan married Dai Lap Yun, who was firmly convinced that women should stay at home while the men worked to support the family. Wai Zhan became bored with staying at home all the time and decided to work in an advertising company without letting Lap Yun know. However, he eventually found out, and their relationship went through a lot of turbulence. In the end, Wai Zhan made Lap Yun switch roles with her to teach him a lesson, and show him how hard it was to have to work and keep up with chores at home. Lap Yun learned his lesson and had a daughter with Wai Zhan. They immigrated to America in search of a better life, but unfortunately Wai Zhan and Lap Yun both died in an earthquake in San Francisco.
The story continues with Dai See Ga, their daughter. She is hard-working and independent, and believes that only fools get married. Though she has had many boyfriends, one thing remains in common with all of them - they always go missing before New Year's and then break up with her soon after. Meanwhile, Fong Ka On, a successful accountant, is stood up at the altar by his fiancee. The two of them spend New Year's Eve together and had a one night stand. However, they fell in love and eventually moved in together, but due to their differences and several misunderstandings, broke up again. See Ga eventually gave birth to a baby boy, but did not have a chance to tell Ka On during her pregnancy, and decided to raise the child herself with the help of her friends Jing and Yut Gut. Dai See Ga reopens the restaurant that her great-great-grandmother opened and became famous due to her cooking books. In the final episode, Ka On proposes to See Ga, and tells her he will wait at the altar for her until she comes.

The Drive Of Life

Damian Lau ~ Wah Man Hon
Liao Jing Sheng ~ Wah Man Hung
Michael Miu ~ Wah Man Shek
Charmaine Sheh ~ Wing Sau Fung
Jessica Hsuan ~ Wah Ching Yu
Ng Wai Kwok ~ Ngai Tin Hang
Raymond Lam ~ Wah Chan Bong
Myolie Wu ~ Fong Bing Yee
Sheren Tang ~ Wong Siu Fun
Joe Ma ~ Ngai Wing Biu
Gigi Wang ~ Hui Zhan Yan
Ron Ng ~ Sin Gai Keung / Ngai Gai Keung
Toby Leung ~ Wah Ching Lam
Feng Shao Feng ~ Wah Chan Man
Chiu Ngor ~ Lee Seen Sin
Chan Mei Kei ~ Wai Cheung Ping
Benz Hui ~ Ngai Lin Tai
Mary Hon ~ Lu Ho Yuet
Power Chan ~ Wong Siu Leung
Michael Wong ~ Will / Wai Lun

Wah Man-Hon ( Lau Chung Yan, Damian ), Wah Man-Hung (Liao Jing Sheng) and Wah Man-Shek (Miu Kiu Wai) were all born in mainland China. But as a result of the massive political upheaval and the profound misunderstanding among them, the three brothers have fallen out and now live apart in Hong Kong, Beijing and Canada respectively.
Hon’s business goes down the pan in the aftermath of the Asian Financial Turmoil. The only saving grace is that members of the Wah's from around the world, including Hon’s son Wah Chun-Bong ( Lam, Raymond ) and Hung’s son Wah Chun-Man (Feng Shao Feng), can finally put their prejudice aside and become reconciled with one another. To realize the century-old dream of the family, they decide to work together to develop the local automobile industry.
After ten years of struggle, the Wahs have established its own brand of limousine – a brand the whole Chinese nation is proud of. They make a significant and ongoing contribution to China’s automobile industry for they believe that only cars of our own will take us to a better future.

The Building Blocks Of Life * Geen Zuk Yau Ching Teen *

Alex Fong ~ Isaac Chung Kwok Keung
Christine Ng ~ Winnie Ching Wai Yee
Tavia Yeung ~ Freeda / Ah Da / Cheung Mun Zhing
Power Chan ~ Brian Yeung Zee Heen
Chung King Fai ~ Preston / SY / Kwong Shing Yu
Chris Lai ~ Choi Zi Yeen
Natalie Tong ~ Veronica / Kwong On Kiu
Anne Heung ~ Lily / Cheng Lei
Kingdom Yuen ~ Chung Kwok Mei
Timmy Hung ~ Chow Lap Chun
Sam Chan ~ Don / Sing Dai Yip
Leanne Li ~ Heung Ching

The story begins with Isaac who was a rising architect in a construction company. At the time he was about to marry Winnie. Right before they get married Isaac would fall in love with a fellow architect employee named Freeda. Winnie was angry at Freeda for interrupting their marriage and relationship. She would become a psycho and suspect Isaac of all types of cheating and wrong-doings. Soon Isaac's architectural job would be disturbed by all the unnecessary trauma and chaos caused by her paranoid future wife. Another rising architect named Brian would try to move up in the company. Isaac, however, remained one of the top talent.
As a new tactic, Brian then resorted to bribing SY, the CEO of the construction company. SY's daughter, OnQiu was a beautiful but extremely naive girl. Her father had initially set high expectations for her to graduation in a few major universities in the United Kingdom. Though OnQiu was never good enough as a student. She faked her college diploma, and kept it as a secret. Brian would later discover this secret and blackmailed SY. He threatened to publicize the damaging diploma info and ruin SY's business and credibility. At the time SY was one of the most well-respected member in the construction business. His company had a solid reputation.
Meanwhile Winnie continue to mistrust Isaac and is convinced he is really in some relationship with Freeda. One day Isaac and Freeda did get drunk together, while away in a mainland China construction assignment. Isaac did end up having an affair with Freeda while intoxicated. Winnie finally was able to prove the affair was real, and not imaginary. She became angry and harrassed Freeda daily. Eventually Winnie would cause a hit-and-run driving accident, sending Freeda to the hospital. Freeda would be in a short coma. After waking up, she eventually left Hong Kong due to the love triangle mess. Isaac would discontinue his marriage plans with Winnie anyways.
The story continues with Brian now in full control of the company with his bribes and blackmails. He makes it all very public, and forces SY to fire Isaac, the top architect. Brian now commanded all corporate decisions, including payroll, bonuses, and all human resource issues. He also tricked OnQiu, the CEO's daughter, into marriage. SY was highly displeased, but there was little he could do. As OnQiu was actually happy to be in a relationship with Brian. OnQiu would later have a child with Brian.
By this time the company was already in poor financial shape, Brian was forcefully making too many poor decisions. In a major new construction deal, Brian was supposed to win a 10-year contract and be financially saved. There was supposed to be no competition. Isaac, who was previously fired, now returned with his own startup company to compete for this 10-year contract. Brian physically attacked Isaac's hand with a wooden bat so he could no longer draw. Freeda, the former architect who had an affair with Isaac before, coincidentally returned to Hong Kong. She would help him complete the construction drawing designs.
While Isaac had a new design, his chance was still slim. He had to compete with SY, who had an excellent reputation in the industry. Though he was still Brian's blackmail puppet. One day OnQiu discovered that her father has been protecting the company and family reputation by putting up with endless manipulation and financial abuses due to her fake diploma. She gave in, and SY was sick of putting up with the manipulation. In a surprising move, SY assisted the opposing company owned by Isaac instead of Brian. He essentially helped a competitor, and caused his own company to lose the 10-year contract. Brian was furious that his puppet CEO sold him out. Before Brian publicized the fake diploma info to the media, SY had already figured out ways to tie all the blackmailing to Brian as the main person responsible. Brian eventually lost control of everything, including his health. As he had developed intestinal cancer with zero chance survival rate. He would die while regretting taking advantage of OnQiu who actually stood by him to the end.
Under the new startup company and contract, Isaac would help build a new shoreline on the beaches. Freeda, the former architect who assisted him with the winning design, suddenly discontinue their renewed friendship. It turns out the hit-and-run car accident from earlier had created an brain tumor. She was constantly suffering from memory loss, and things were getting worse. She was afraid to confront others about it, and claimed she would travel alone. She promised to return a year later to find Isaac. He was disappointed and didn't quite understand at the time. After a year, she had forgotten who Isaac was. She kept using a camcorder to remind herself of the reoccurring dreams she keeps having with this wonderful man with no name. She was scared. A year later Isaac stumbled into her in the same beach front they once helped design together. In the final moment, she remembered his name.

The Brink Of Law * Dat Wai Hang Tung *

Steven Ma Chun Wai ~ Tong Chi Ko
Ron Ng Cheuk Hei ~ Tung Yat Tsun
Bernice Liu Bik Yi ~ Wing
Shirley Yeung
Kate Tsui
Michelle ~ Kam Chi
Ha Yu
Steven Wong Ka Lok

Series start out with Tong Chi Ko (Steven Ma Chun Wai) attending a horse race with his father. The head of a rich corporation, Tung Chin Long, is also there with his nephew Tung Yat Tsun (Ron Ng Cheuk Hei). Tong Chi Ko meets Tung Yat Tsun during the race and they become good friends. Chi Ko's father is an avid gambler and uses bookmarking to fund his bets. He accumulates a huge debt, which causes major fights in the family. Chi Ko's mother and sister leaves, which makes his father so depressed that he commits suicide. His mother had actually gone to mainland China to sell some property to raise money.
Chi Ko's sister starts to hang out with Tung Chin Long's younger son, a troublemaker. Chi Ko tries to stop them from seeing each other, and just then, cops show up at Tung Chin Lon's son's bar. He stealthily sneaks into Chi Ko's pocket the drugs he was going to use on Chi Ko's sister. Chi Ko loses his lawyer license for the drug possession. With the help of Tsun, he becomes the legal advisor for Tung Chin Long's fashion company, Nicolas.
Chi Ko runs into his high school lover Wing (Bernice Liu Bek Yi) who had left to Canada when they were young and had not been in contact since. They start a budding relationship, but Chi Ko's best friend Ming expresses his love for Wing (Ming did not know then about Chi Ko and Wing's relationship). Since Ming had previously given him money to pay off his father's debt, Chi Ko did not tell Ming that he liked Wing. Several unfortunate events caused Wing's attempt to meet with Chi Ko to not occur previously, and this time, Chi Ko's rebellious sister deleted Wing's SMS message to Chi Ko. Wing thinks that Chi Ko doesn't want to get back together with her and accepts Ming. Wing realizes that she does not get along to Ming, and breaks up with him. However, Chi Ko and Wing did not want to harm Ming and decided against pursuing a relationship with each other. Ming overhears their conversation and tells them to get together. Meanwhile, Ming, who is a police officer, arrests Tung Chin Long's brother-in-law for bookmarking business. Tung Chin Long's wife Kam Chi seeks revenge for her brother by hiring an assassin to kill Ming. After Ming's meeting with Chi Ko and Wing, he is killed by the assassin. Later, Chi Ko realizes that Wing, who became a model in Nicolas, is having an affair with Tung Chin Long. They then breakup.
One day, Tsun sees his mother at Nicolas, who had left him right after he was born. She had come to see Tung Chin Long to get money from him to help with her new husband's financial troubles. Tsun overhears their conversation that Tung Chin Long had raped her while he was drunk, and that Tsun is actually his son. When Tsun's father Chin Pang hears of this, he decides to leave, and Tsun proposed the USA to treat Chin Pang's heart disease. Before they leave, Chin Pang and Chin Long had a fierce fight on whether Tsun should go with Chin Pang or stay in HK. It triggers a heart attack, and Chin Pang dies because Chin Long kept his pills from him. Kam Chi thinks that Tsun wants to take Chin Long's fortune away from her dearest son Long, who had been paralyzed from a skiing accident, hires an assassin to kill Tsun. Chi Ko had gone to the place to meet Tsun and sees him as the assassin made the move. They fight off the assassin, who leaves behind a keychain. It was a collectible keychain is a gift from Ming to Wing, which he was carrying the night he died. Chi Ko suspects that it was not a simple robbery because the thief kept attacking Tsun after he took the money. He talks to Ming's head, Madam Wong, who tells him of Kam Chi's suspected bookkeeping and underground firearms business. He is then hired to be a mole and get information from Kam Chi.
The rest of the plot involves how Chi Ko, Wing, and Tsun try to find evidence to nail Kam Chi and Chin Long for their crimes, with more deaths, complicated relationships, and problems within the Tung family that lead to their demise.