Monday, May 12, 2008

Fathers And Sons

Bobby Au Yeung ~ Man Tin Chi
Wong Hei ~ Ko Ching
Yoyo Mung ~ Kam Mei Chuen / Amy
Tavia Yeung ~ Law Sei Hei / Joey
Anne Heung
Ha Yu ~ Ko Chi Tim
Jacky Wong
Chris Lai
Halina Tam

Top-ranked market research manager Man Tin-Tsz (Bobby) is an expert at price comparison. Commonly nicknamed “the Honorable Min Jeong Ho”, his personal motto is “always be price-conscious”. Tsz who relishes his yuppie lifestyle has been longing for an early retirement. But the sudden return of his eight-year-old son seems to have completely shattered his dreams. Tsz has no experience in taking care of children and is totally clueless about how to look after his son. Luckily his ally-cum-rival Kam Mei-Tsun a.k.a "Amy" (Yoyo) is there to help and look out for him in every way. The pair gets to know each other better and gradually grow to be great buddies. Later Tsz discovers that Kam is actually the one referred to as “Platinum Dae Jang Geum”.
Tsz manages to find his godfather Ko Chi-Tim (Ha Yu) when he sees a beef ball. Tim has been trying hard to accommodate himself to his son Ko Ching (Wong Hei) but Ching has given full attention to his own daughter and shows no concern at all for Tim. Ching has focused too much on his daughter that he has completely disregarded his responsibility as a son and a husband. At the darkest moment in his life, Ching is lucky to still have Tsz and his short time girlfriend Law Sz-Hei a.k.a "Joey" (Tavia) by his side. In the meantime, Ching happens to discover a secret that his father has been hiding all these years, which was Ching wasn't his natural son. When Ching was just a baby, his natural parents couldn't afford to keep him since his mom was dying of a disease, so they made a binding contract with their neighbor Ko-Chi Tim in which Ko-Chi gets Ching and in return they get a huge amount of money. Ko-Chi fell in love with his step-son. As time past, the neighbor kept asking for more money to start a new business. Loving Ching so much, Ko-Chi took the savings of his family and gave it to the neighbor, and the neighbor was never heard of again. Ko-Chi never gambled away the money as Ching thought he had.
Man-Tin Tsz was sued by Kam Mei-Tsun's ex-boyfriend for hitting him in the face. Throughout this time period, Man-Tin Tsz and Kam Mei-Tsun saw affection for each other and started dating.
Soon after when Ching's ex-wife comes back from the States, she wants her daughter back and told Ching she isn't his daughter and married him because she was pregnant and didn't know what to do. Ching was shocked, but he decided to follow his daughter to America and help with his ex-wife's dad's restaurant, breaking up with Joey. Before he left, Man Tin-Tsz's real dad had died and he had asked back for his dad's watch as it brought back many memories. He also promised his dad that as long as he lives, the beef ball Co. Mui Gay would continue to manufacture beef balls. As Ching left for the States, Man Tin-Tsz gives himself to Ko-Chi and offered to be his son. Ko-Chi accepted and Man Tin-Tsz started calling him Dad. With Mui Gay not doing well due to Kam Mei-Tsun's ex-boyfriend messing with their company, Ko-Chi gets a disease and went into a coma. Ching came back to the States with his ex-wife and Pui-Pui (we assume that he's back with her in the end) to take care of him in the hospital. Meanwhile, Man Tin-Tsz gave a touching report about father-and-son relationship to the magazine that everybody started buying Mui Gay's beefballs. Ko-Chi's situation gets worse and needs another immediate surgery, but the surgery ended up successful and he woke up from his coma, but lost all his memory. Throughout the time that Ko-Chi was in his coma, Kam Mei-Tsun's ex-boyfriend was charged for fraud in stocks and lost a lot of money trying to get Mui Gay off the market. Kam Mei-Tsun gets pregnant with Man Tin-Tsz and Ko-Chi could finally walk again.

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