Friday, May 9, 2008

Maiden's Vow

Joe Ma
Charmaine Sheh
Sammul Chan

The drama centers around a restaurant that is owned by four generations of women. The first generation is about Ngai Yu Fung, who was married to a good-for-nothing husband Wang Yuk Lun. Lun gambled away their family's assets and cheated on his wife numerous times. However, Fung remained faithful to her her husband, despite her and Ci's enduring love. Fung eventually became pregnant and had a daughter with Lun. The first story ends tragically, with Fung dying with her long time lover Yu Ci in a train accident. Attempting to crawl together with their last breath, in death, they remained separated as they had been during their lives.
The second story centers around Fung's daughter Wang Zi Kuan. She was raised by her grandmother and Fung's maid. She fell in love with her teacher, and they eventually eloped to Tianjin. Though they were very poor, they were still happy because they could be together. Her husband, who had studied to become a doctor, had to work in coal mines to support the family. The owner of the coal mines didn't care about the safety of the workers at all, and the death of a good friend spurred her husband to support the Revolution. Zi Kuan was separated from her husband and eventually returned to her home to help run the family restaurant. After two years with no news from her husband, he suddenly resurfaced, working for the Japanese. However, it turned out he was actually a double agent, and still fighting for the Revolution. He was found out and they fled for their lives, spending an unforgettable last night on the train together, before they had to part ways again. Zi Kuan became pregnant with their child, and continued to run the family restaurant. She waited for him for the rest of her life, and died of old age.
The third generation continues with Bak Wai Zhan, the granddaughter of Kuan. Zhan married Dai Lap Yun, who was firmly convinced that women should stay at home while the men worked to support the family. Wai Zhan became bored with staying at home all the time and decided to work in an advertising company without letting Lap Yun know. However, he eventually found out, and their relationship went through a lot of turbulence. In the end, Wai Zhan made Lap Yun switch roles with her to teach him a lesson, and show him how hard it was to have to work and keep up with chores at home. Lap Yun learned his lesson and had a daughter with Wai Zhan. They immigrated to America in search of a better life, but unfortunately Wai Zhan and Lap Yun both died in an earthquake in San Francisco.
The story continues with Dai See Ga, their daughter. She is hard-working and independent, and believes that only fools get married. Though she has had many boyfriends, one thing remains in common with all of them - they always go missing before New Year's and then break up with her soon after. Meanwhile, Fong Ka On, a successful accountant, is stood up at the altar by his fiancee. The two of them spend New Year's Eve together and had a one night stand. However, they fell in love and eventually moved in together, but due to their differences and several misunderstandings, broke up again. See Ga eventually gave birth to a baby boy, but did not have a chance to tell Ka On during her pregnancy, and decided to raise the child herself with the help of her friends Jing and Yut Gut. Dai See Ga reopens the restaurant that her great-great-grandmother opened and became famous due to her cooking books. In the final episode, Ka On proposes to See Ga, and tells her he will wait at the altar for her until she comes.

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